I'm planning to replace the worn out Ecopia EP20 tires (OEM) on a 2012 Prius with a set of Michelin Energy Saver A/S tires. Has anyone gone from the Ecopia EP20 to the Michelin Energy Saver A/S? Am I likely to see a significant decrease in mpg?
New tires always seem to get lower mileage, in part they are not broken in and in part as they are not worn down, one revolution is traveling farther. This is independent of brand.
OK so here's the guy that hasn't changed his tires yet so really doesn't know. --Super Caveat But I can tell you BOTH your original Escopia's and the Michelin Energy Savers have good reputations. Going from a worn tire set to a brand new set, is going to probably drop your MPG some naturally, until they break in some. I would suppose it might boil down to what you consider "significant". But since the Michelin Energy Savers are sold and marketed as being fuel efficient, I would be surprised if you saw a "significant" drop. If you were happy with the Escopia's why not buy them again if you have any fear of The Michelins? If it was me? I'd probably have no qualms going with the Michelin. I wouldn't foresee a significant drop, I might even have hopes of an improvement. PS. I know some tire places will give you a limited time to try a set out and then allow a pro-rated replacement if you are unhappy. You might ask whatever shop you are going to about their policy. Then if you REALLY hated the MPG or the ride, you could consider returning them.
Michelin premier A/S is the latest highly rated ! I got a set on 16 " wheels 205/55 r 16 replace the Toyo A20 215/45 r 17 michelin are great! Toyo are noisy, slides on hard wet turns
Tough call. I suppose the Energy Savers will edge out EP20 for mpg, but if you have any troubles getting them, and they are perinially hard to find: I'd have no qualms signing up for another stint with EP20.
Thanks for the responses. I was interested in the Michelins because I used to use Michelin back when I drove Honda Accords for many years. The Michelins seemed reliable and had a long tread life. The mpg wasn't a major concern for the Accord, because it's gas mileage was nowhere close to the Prius. I just found that the Michelin Energy Saver A/S edged out the Ecopia EP100 for mpg in tests at Tire Rack. (This site won't let me post the link.) Not sure how the Ecopia EP100 differs from the EP20. I'm going to go with the Michelin Energy Saver A/S, since that seems to be a safe choice. Thanks!
I was considering the Ecopia vs Michelin for my Prius C, but could not justify the cost difference for the Michelin. The Ecopias are more than good enough.
I just replaced the original Bridgestone Ecopia EP20's with Michelin Premier A/S. I hated the EP20's which performed like a typical ultra-low end original equipment tire. The only way I could get a decent feel and cornering balance was to run them at 40/34 psi. They did last a little over 40,000 miles and I have no complaints over mileage. I choose the Michelin Premier A/S over the Energy Saver A/S because I was looking for more comfort. After a couple weeks use I would say the Premiers are much quieter on most surfaces, slightly smoother over small road irregularities, and much better braking/cornering grip than the EP20's. Only one fill-up so far and MPG was the same.