First Time Car Buyer/Car Accident Please Help

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Bailey Barkley, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. Bailey Barkley

    Bailey Barkley New Member

    Feb 19, 2016
    Southern California
    2007 Prius
    So, my first ever car died late last year. I was stubborn and certain my next car would be a Prius. Quite a jump from my old 1995 Honda Civic manual transmission! I ended up finding a 2007 Prius with only around 82k miles on it so I haggled with the dealership and got it for the actual blue book price, plus a $4,000 warranty to make my father happy. Also to make my father happy, I only got liability auto insurance so I wouldn't jack up his rates too much. We have it set up to where I'm under my own policy but we still have the multiple car discount.

    Unlucky me rear ended someone last weekend, 2 months into having this car. I've never been in a car accident before and hardly know the difference between a mechanic/body shop. My Prius is still drivable, headlights are working, nothing's leaking, and nothing seems to be wrong internally except the A/C isn't working. The passenger side door won't open because that fender seems to have pinched above the tire and now it's too close to the door hinge. The car still drives straight and no tire damage. I've gotten a few quotes from two body shops and they ranged from $5,200 to $5,500.. when I paid $8,000 for the car. To me this seems outrageous when I could buy parts online that are coming out to $60, $75, and the most expensive being $200. Would someone take a look at these pictures and tell me what might actually be going on and what is so expensive? One of the guys giving me an estimate was making me upset telling me that basically my costs to repair are actually how much the car is worth so if I sold it and took a loss on some money I would still be saving? I really would hope that isn't true. Please and thank you, I really have no clue! The oil in the driveway is from my boyfriend's car, my prius isn't leaking any fluid.

    Attached Files:

  2. Bailey Barkley

    Bailey Barkley New Member

    Feb 19, 2016
    Southern California
    2007 Prius
    Some of the pinched fender and door that can't open...

    Also, the warranty IS refundable. I'm thinking of parting with the warranty and using it to replenish my savings after I see if everything is alright with the mechanics. If people on here say dealership warranties are as bad as they are... I should've joined this forum before!

    Attached Files:

    #2 Bailey Barkley, Feb 19, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  3. tanglefoot

    tanglefoot Whee!

    Mar 27, 2007
    2007 Prius
    Welcome, and that's a total bummer! I was in an accident two weeks after I got the 2007 brand new. It was still on its first tank of gas. It sucked. Since its value was still pretty high, it was repaired and I'm still driving it.

    Unfortunately, as they get older, their value tends to be close to or below the cost of repairs (which are always higher than one might think they'd be). I'm certainly not experienced in the autobody business, but it does sound reasonable that it could cost several thousand for a shop to return it to proper condition.

    If you have DIY ability or know someone who does, it might be that replacing the front bumper cover, hood and RF fender could put you in a decent situation. The A/C system could be fairly costly to fix, depending on exactly what happened. The condenser may have busted, so it may need a condenser replacement and refrigerant recharge. Also, a disclaimer that if not properly repaired, the car may not offer the original level of protection in the future.

    The warranty may or may not cover accident damage--it depends on the terms. I don't know whether it'd be best to get the refund on the warranty or not.

    If it were me, I'd be tempted to keep driving it. I probably wouldn't do the professional repair, but I might try to tinker on portions of it over time.
    #3 tanglefoot, Feb 20, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  4. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Bailey, welcome to the site and sorry about the circumstances. I can't view the photos due to the site's software problems.

    A warranty covers the defects in the car. It does not cover damage to the car. Get the refund.

    Those who can't afford the loss can't afford to not have insurance.

    Unless you specified used parts the estimates are based on new parts, repairing damage to the frame and painting the car so it will be returned to "like new" condition.

    A large portion of the estimate is for labor. The people working on the car want to be paid. If you know what to do and have the facilities then DIY.

    Ask the local vo-tech school if the body shop class can work on the car and source as many used parts as you can. Seek out a local car club and ask for advice.

    The problem with the air conditioner may be trivial but probably isn't. Since the door won't open the car needs to be straightened and that headlight probably isn't in its original position.

    I'm with Tanglefoot on this one. The car's too good to scrap but isn't worth restoring. My vote is for used parts and live with the mismatched paint. At least you'll be able to find your car in the lot and other drivers may leave you more space.

    Keep us posted.
  5. M in KC

    M in KC Active Member

    Jun 21, 2014
    KC, MO
    2005 Prius
    What they said. The real money is in the labor to straighten everything that was compromised as a result of the accident so that all the components back together as they were intended. With the upper rad support caved in as it is, I wouldn't be surprised it took other frame components with it. There is more to do than simply replacing bumper covers and body panels. If you have itemized estimates from each shop post those up. As usual good advice from TF and JimN.