I have a 2010 with the advanced technology pkg, which includes the PCS. I did read in the manual that the system can mistakenly think a steel construction plate in the road could be an obstruction or vehicle coming head on and therefore give you warning and then apply braking if the driver does not respond. Another discussion said this was only a rare occurrence, but my vehicle is consistent to brake every time if the plate is large enough. I find it very dangerous for any vehicles behind you, as the braking is very sudden and unexpected. Why is there not more discussion on this, or do I have a malfunction? I try and switch the system off when entering a construction zone, but that is hard to keep up with. I push the button under the steering column and PCS lights up to the right of the display, and that has worked, but not sure I can get all drivers to follow that plan. I do not really trust a dealer to get the calibration correct, if that is what is needed. My local dealer said he knew of very few cars with that package, so that tells me they may be working trial and error!!
Welcome. I don't drive through a lot of construction so I haven't had the experience. I had one false engagement on smooth payment several years ago. Does the car really slow down or is your brain just interpreting the sensation for deceleration? Perhaps tire pressure is a factor. What is the tp and the brand & model of the tires?
I've never had a problem with steel plates. I think your best option is probably to get the dealer to calibrate it. It requires a special tool plus interaction with the computer via Techstream. The tool is a reflector target that you place directly in the center in front of your car. On the other hand, that tool (and using Techstream) is for left-right calibration, so if you want to attempt vertical calibration DIY first, you might be able to. In the meantime, I'd suggest turning it off all the time, since you probably don't want you or somebody else to get rear-ended while driving. I'd suggest getting a copy of the repair manual, there should be some floating around for download somewhere. From what it says, there's a level rack attached to the radar sensor (although I've never noticed it), and you can place a level on it to measure if the sensor is level (assuming, of course, that you're on level ground, the tires are correctly inflated, there aren't any heavy loads in the car, etc.). From what I can gather, the sensor is supposed to point up 0.2°. Mine has given the warning beep a couple of times when passing unusual objects, but it has never braked unnecessarily. The most notable warning I recall was when heading down a very steep slope towards train tracks - the tracks (and the road) were understandably detected as something in my path, which only changed when I hit the brief level patch of road where it crosses the tracks. Has your car ever been in a front-end accident? Or has it always been like this (assuming you bought it new)?
The handful of times PCS reacted to the steel plates, it has only flashed the warning sign and maybe retracted the seatbelts. It has never once auto-braked. A Lexus dealer may have more experience since they have more vehicles with PCS available and they have had it for longer than a Toyota dealership. Perhaps get a second opinion at a local Lexus dealer?
No, last time it caught me unawares, everything in the seats flew to the floor. It is full on braking. I purchased it used, but there was no indication by the reporting services or vehicle history that the airbags have ever deployed. I have had some doubts though after close inspection of the front end. Maybe it has been in a minor accident, enough to throw the sensor off. I will continue to search out a dealer with experience in calibration. It does surprise me I seem to be one of the few with a problem like this. Thanks.
After reading the owners manual (yes, -some- people actually DO read it) PCS has been turned off. I think I drove two days with it on. So 3 1/2 years with it off. It's never tripped on me.
I have driven through many construction zones with large steel plates on the ground and never had a false beep. The PCS works because it saved again last week when it warned me of driving too fast toward stalled traffic ahead of me. The ABS kicked on when I braked normally. I thought for sure I was going to rear-end the car in front of me.