Carmine sat in my garage for 5 weeks; I've had a left total knee replacement. Today I went out and was able to get IN the car. Started right up so I went for a drive. FREEDOM! I notice the bars for the battery are green. Normally they are blue and remain blue. Went on the highway, did about 20 miles. Eventually the bars turned blue. Some time later I glanced again, they were green again. As the photos attached show, when they are blue, they are one stripe lower. Went home, got my dogs in and took them to the field. Once we returned to the car to drive home, same thing. It started green, eventually went to blue, next time I looked it was green again. Any ideas what is going on? And should I be driving it on the highway more or the city roads more to correct this?
correct, this has always been the case. green near the top, blue through the middle, and purple near the bottom. are you still on the pain meds?
The colour is just for reference and to make it easy to denote how much charge you have in the battery. The battery display is segmented into 8. Green = 7 to 8 bars Blue = 3 to 6 bars Pink/Purple = 1 to 2 bars You don't need to do anything. It's functioning as intended. The battery likes to sit at 6 bars (remember that the display isn't showing the actual battery state of charge but rather than range that Toyota programs the battery to stay within). The buffer of 7 and 8 bars is just in case you go down a hill or regenerate really well and it's used to top off the battery (instead of using your brake pads).
Sorry, never been the case on Carmine. Always been BLUE. Did you look at the photos, Bisco? I stopped the prescription meds yesterday morning, so they've been out of my system for 24 hours; hence my foray ha haaa. Still using Tylenol Extra Strength and Motrin. Not approved to drive yet, still have inhome services. Just HAD to get OUT of this house!
Tideland, well, OK then. But in 8 years, I've never seen it green like that! But with both Bisco and you telling me it is OK, I guess I won't worry. Thanks both of you.
John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more It's strictly for ease of reference. The Gen 3 went back to monochrome so you have to count the bars yourself or estimate. I like the full colour. It provides high glance value.
Glad to hear you're recovering well. I'd really like to think your never seeing green on the charging graphic of your MFD is the exception to the norm (compared to most of us, I'd wager), but it's by no means indicative of a problem. I notice that if I have a lot of electrical systems running on board, like demisters, wipers, climate control, GPS, Premium JBL audio et al, I also never go up to green. However, most days on my commute, I'm liable to attain green status; twice on the way to work in the mornings (18 mile one way commute) and usually the same on the way back, unless I encounter heavy traffic. In very heavy traffic caused by major roadworks, I'll even drop to purple bars - usually while crawling through a 1.5 mile 3 lane "mother of all traffic jams" (I'm looking at you, A406 between Brent Cross & IKEA Neasden...!!). With regards to your Prius, as they say on Star Trek, "All systems are working within design parameters" iPhone 6s +
Ha ha haa, ok, ok I get it! Green and blue are normal! I really don't recall seeing the green in 8 years of ownership.
We get this question in winter. I am often in the "green" in winter as the cabin heat runs the ICE engine which helps to charge the batt. If you want to see more blue, wait until summer with A/C running to cool off car.
Big swings from fully charged to low charge usually indicate a failing hybrid battery. I hope so because you may be still in warranty which is 8/100,000 miles. if less than 100K miles you may get a free new battery soon. What's the miles and what date did you buy the car new?
I'd make a joke about how many times we've answered this - trailing with "the search tool can be your friend" ... but I'll refrain yea, for some of us ocd types, it may be better to just turn the screen off - but that may lead to another often repeated asked & answered series of questions.
Purple is normal too, not just green and blue. If you ever notice that it's purple, don't freak out. It doesn't mean your car is about to die. It just means the ICE is about the kick on to boost the state of charge.
Yup. If you are in warranty and it fails get the free battery. If you are close to the warranty expiring and your not going to get a free replacement, consider maintaining the battery with our Prolong Battery systems. Most people ignore battery maintenance until it is too late and end up having to replace at their own expense.