I'm going to be changing the oil on my mom's 2010 and I need to few things to understand. First can I get the oil filter housing off with oil filter pliers or will I damage the housing? Second how much oil? And lastly how do I reset the Oil light? Oh and this is off topic but when you guys get your brakes changed does the dealer tell you that your rotors need to be resurfaced? By that I mean them cutting the rotors and replacing the pads. My mom's rear brakes are going to need to be replaced soon and thought I would ask now. Thanks!
1. You need a special tool to remove the filter housing. 2. I put in about 4.2 quarts of oil 3. While your trip odometer is on Trip A, press and hold miles/km button while starting your car....you should see it resetting in about 5 seconds. This is all from memory, I hope it's all correct.
good work JC91006, cute dog btw lol. Also there's a sticky on top of the forum with video's on maintenance if you need help. Changing the rear brake pads is pretty straight forward. Make sure not to open any doors or have your keys near by when working on the brake system as you can accidentally activate it. When replacing the brake pads, you should get the rotors resurface when installing new brake pads so that the wear on the rotor's can be even with the brake pads. I've seen people who replaced just the brake pads and come back with vibration due to the rotor's not being resurface. Also you'll need a cube to compress the caliper piston in or else you can't fit the caliper over the brake pads. Make sure to lube all of the brake hardware's, or else you'll have brake noise.
only when abnormal wear. I've been doing my own maintenance on cars for over 20 years now and never had to replace rotors with pads. i guess you can call me lucky.
nice, you did got lucky. I hate the thought of not turning the rotors after replacing just the pads. It just feels like the vibration and pulsation will set in any time now lol. As for rotors, now a day's turning the rotors cost around 10-20$, but new rotors cost almost around that much. So if its cheaper to buy new rotors, I would, but if not, I would turn it.