Hi there. My rear passenger tire spins easily and makes noise. Here is the link to video. Dropbox - 20160215_143832.mp4 SM-N910W8 ?
Thank you arescec . I didnt get a chance to check this until today. I had thought it was my winter tires. I hope to get thos teplaced ASAP and the noise will go. SM-N910W8 ?
try to wiggle it as arescec said, and it sounds as something is quite loose Be careful if when replacing hub. It might we quite tough to take off speed sensor cable off hub. I replaced bub and cable together and did not have problems.
Assuming the Canadian 2009 is a GEN III (like in Europe) and because it posted in the GEN III section, changing out the rear bearing/hub assembly is quite easy. Do both sides at the same time though...if that is indeed the problem.
Easy money fix then if you know how to turn a wrench...and that is the problem. Gen II had drum brakes in the rear, so just a little more work there.