I just upgraded from a 2004 Prius Six to a 2012 Plug in Advanced. My wife used to love watching the average mpg for the current tank of gas as she drove, and wants to know where to find that display on the new car. For some reason, I just can't find it and couldn't find any reference to it in the FAQ. Am I missing something simple? That number was her favorite incentive. What a nice car though. Had the 2004 for 12 years and the PIP feels like a serious upgrade.
congrats and welcome! sure, just use trip a or b. reset when you tank up, and it will show average until you reset again. i use a for tank and b for trip. stay warm, all the best!
I had upgraded from a 2004 package 9 to a then new 2013 PiP basic. There are a few things I miss, mostly the some of the lost voice commands. One of the losses is the automatic reset on a fill up. I have gone to using a/1 on the trip and ev ratio displays for tank and b/2 for month.