Hi everyone, Someone is selling a used Gen 2 Prius' OEM leather interior (front seats, rear seats with built-in armrest, center console armrest, and the four doors armrests; they also mention it includes the seat belts roof and plastic pieces (anyone know what the seller means about that?) What is a set like this worth? Thanks in advance for your input!
If in great condition up to $1000. Clazzio is $400 and just covers your stuff so I'd think at least another $500 to get seats and other stuff iPhone ?
Thanks roamerr The seller says the set is from a 2009 Prius and in excellent condition; they're asking price is $1K. I figure they would fit in my 2005 Prius, but is it worth their asking price?
I hint might be to check Clazzio's website to see if they list different part/kit numbers for an '05 vs '09.
A guy in my town was selling front and rear leather seats (no armrest or door skins) for $300. They sat on Craigslist for months without selling.
Thanks, M, for the suggestion. I didn't see on their site, but do they give prices on their sets? Also, my front seats have sides airbags; do their front seat covers allow the side airbags to still function as intended? Thanks pierce. I was going to suggest $500 for the set and see what they say about that. Also, perhaps they would take my cloth seats in trade to also lower their price by a few hundred dollars. I did find their price and it's $500 plus shipping, and their set doesn't cover the four door armrests.