My Pri has 31K and the other day I noticed wind noise coming somewhere in the front. Has anyone dealt with the same issue? if so, how did you fix it?
Make sure all the rubber is firmly seated around the door area. Aside from that, wind is dynamic and constantly moves in different ways. Tons of factors there. Sometimes you just have to deal with it. Assuming there's no damage to your car, nothing is crooked or out of place, no abnormal/accelerated wear and tear to any of the seals, it's probably normal.
Thank you! i will take a look at all the seals. I was also thinking about reinforcing it with 5M Car Truck Motor Door Small D Shape Rubber Seal Weather Strip Hollow 200" | eBay
Here's a product I've used on my BMWs for years: Gummi It's a rubber conditioner that works (and smells) fantastic. You just rub it on your seals twice a year. Keeps the rubber soft and pliable. Of course it's important that you keep the seals clean as well as the door where it seals to so you have a clean surface to seal.
I hear wind noise coming from the windscreen on the passenger side and figured it was due to my car having been involved in a collision. Now I'm starting to suspect it's normal because I can't locate any leaks. Maybe someday I'll ride in someone elses Gen III to compare the noises.
If your windshield was ever replaced, make sure there's nothing weird like trim sticking out. Also sometimes windshield places can do shoddy work and leave a small gap of air where air can get through. they are supposed to lay a continuous bead of sealant on a perfectly clean surface but they don't always. also sometimes they scratch the painted surface when cleaning the old sealant off and rust forms then separates the adhesive then causes air leaks. Maybe have a friend blast some compressed air down the seams of the windshield and see if you hear any air leaking in. worth a shot. I haven't noticed any strange or abnormal wind noises on my 2015 but maybe i havent listened hard enough. but im pretty sensitive to things like that.
Look beneath the car and check the linings are in place. Sometimes loose linings specially in front of the front wheels make alot of noise when stuck by air. The noise could also be from the wheels,if you have rotate or changed them.
For a year I have been wondering why I hear wind noise and battle condensation when the temperatures dip into the 40s. Last week I saw a single drop of water fall from the boundary of the headliner and the windshield and land on my wife's lap. Strange I thought, as there wasn't any condensation on the windows. I had never seen any sign of water infiltration into the cabin. Well, there's your problem The whole top edge and half of the sides were loose, and the glass guy said he had not seen anything like that in his 8 years. He said it looked like the person that installed it forgot to use activator on the sealant. Noise and condensation are no longer an issue. The windshield has been the only problem I've had.
Under certain conditions, I'll hear wind noise around the right side lower corner of the windshield. It doesn't happen all the time so I suspect it's probably turbulence in that area due to wind direction. Also, the ventilation inlet screen in that area of the cowl is suspect. Things like the side mirror and windshield wiper arm could be also be responsible. As E46prius has pointed out, keeping your door seals clean and conditioned can eliminate a lot of noise. As a matter of fact, I have found out that a lot of rattles come from the door seals getting dry and chaffing on the sealing surfaces.
Excellent points... but don't stop at the rubber door seals, make sure the painted surface your door seals contact is also as clean as possible. When washing and waxing, include the metal around the door/hatch and sunroof openings. Same with the operable windows. Try to keep the glass edges you can get to and guide material around the frames clean. All that will really help keep air leaks from making noise. The oil hatch is another noise source. A friend with a 2010 was hearing some strange wind noise above 50 mph. I found his oil access cover nearly detached. It was probably scooping up/disturbing the airflow down under the car. He took the car to the dealer and they replaced the missing fasteners. Noise cancelled.