Is there a way to change the default difference on the dynamic radar cruise control from 3 bars to 1 bar? I think it's annoying to have to change it everytime that I start the vehicle and activate cruise control.
Thanks. That's what I suspected, but wasn't clear about. I can see Toyota's point-of-view on this: err on the side of caution.
I believe there is enough blame to spread around. Lawyers, accountants & cheap software contractors come to mind.
I am not familiar with the old 1-bar default option, but find it rather natural to start off at 3 bars, then reduce the distance with a click or two of the thumb while driving-- the button to do that is in a good spot. Agreed that it is always better to have programming options, though.
Yup. Makes sense to me. I usually use 2 bars unless I'm travelling at higher speeds (say 112km/h) or lower speeds (say 50km/h). I use 3 bars at higher speeds and 2 or 1 bars at city speeds.
Someone's probably going to correct me on this, but I believe that the distances are as follows: 1 bar = roughly a 3 second following distance 2 bars = roughly a 4 second following distance 3 bars = roughly a 5 second following distance The following distance is clearly adaptive as it's a much bigger gap at highway speeds than at city speeds. According to Toyota's manual, the car will always physically stop the car at the same distance away from the vehicle in front of you regardless of which bar you are on, so the distance setting doesn't change the distance when stopped.
Prossibly not on the icy roads I face this morning . On thing I wonder about is when the Radar Cruise is slowing me down, are my brake lights always on?
My experience with my gen 3, is that temperature and humidity have a huge effect on the distance. Use 2 bars, that way you have +- 1 bar to adjust