We had a couple inches of snow last night (with about a foot to follow over the next two days). I'm happy to report that my 2016 4 with Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2s was able to get around our neighborhood without a problem. This includes a number of fairly steep hills. FWIW, I used Eco mode as I've seen suggested on a few threads. I do think the gentle acceleration prevented the necessity for traction control.
Sounds good. Do keep in mind, with the low ground clearance, if you get anywhere near a foot, especially if it's wet, even with the best snow tires you'll get stuck. Anything 8" or deeper is the limit, with wet snow. We've yet to get any appreciable snow this "winter", here. The roads look like they got hit with icing sugar one morning, that was the worst, lol.
Mendel, thanks for the advice. Having spent five years in Calgary, I have no desire to be heroic in my winter driving.
The flying car worked! Seriously, though, the Gen 4 was quite competent in the snow. Very little traction control and no ABS activation. I drove in Eco as has been suggested in other threads and found it very good for moderating my acceleration. The route to work has a number of unavoidable hills and there were no problems even on the steepest. The temp was in the single digits for the morning commute, and even so, I managed 56.7 MPG (I suspect the slightly slower highway speeds helped). Overall, while not quite as rock solid as my previous AWD, I have no complaints.
Out of curiosity, does the gen 4 kill power to protect the transaxel when you start spinning the tires?
ExMachina08, Yes, it did briefly cut power a couple of times when I hit a slippery spot. A little jarring at first, but it wasn't too bad. FWIW, there's a traction control off button.
Yes, the plows had gone through. My neighborhood streets had three or four inches of packed snow. The main arteries were largely clear.
That's a good situation. What I hate is when the main roads are clear but the side streets are untouched, lol. Here I'm starting to contemplate taking the snow tires off; no snow so far, crocuses and daff's starting to come up.
I'm glad to hear it, I was starting to think I was a little too quick to buy a FWD car. We are getting snow tomorrow and I'm a little nervous. I had a FWD car for about a year or two when I lived in Colorado, before I moved out here. Colorado is different though in that it doesn't get ice like we get here. I switched to an AWD as quick as I could though and I've driven an AWD for 11 years, I'm a little worried I don't know how to drive FWD in snow (and I didn't really when I moved to CO from CA but I winged it).
If you drive slow enough you'll be okay. Just keep your distances from everyone and take turns SLOW. I wouldn't think it'd be any different than an AWD car other than the take off. What I do is coast to stops from WAY back and then I rarely have to take off from a stand still.
that is just a crappy shoveling job. My other car was low to the ground so even being AWD, I knew I couldn't just climb over snow piles.