To be honest, I realize that some of the topics covered in this movie are biased - but I'm about ready to demand an impartial accounting for a lot of the topics that Moore raised :x If some of this stuff is true - there needs to be a cleaning of house in the Senate, Congress, and Oval Office.
Fat chance on getting an impartial look at these issues. When it comes time for an investigation, Bush, the White House and Republicans everywhere have thrown up every imaginable roadblock for basically every investigation in progress: WMD in Iraq, intelligence failures, the 9/11 commission, the Valerie Plume incident, the prison torture scandal, the Florida elections fraud debacle, (man, there are a lot of these, huh?) the Halliburton no-contest contracts, and Bush's questionable National Guard service. I still remember when these same people, who are currently blocking investigation and oversight at every turn, insisted on investigating a certain President over the money-losing Whitewater scheme, in addition to his sex life. "Hypocrite" doesn't seem nearly strong enough.
Needs a move to Fred's House of Pancakes And Moore is a big fat Liar seeking attention, imho! Peace, Fr. Bill
Moore is carefull on this one From all reviews, and I mean ALL that I've read, Moore has done his homework on this movie. All of the information is a matter of public record. In fact, he's even created a "War Room" to counter the arguments that he's lying. Biased? You bet! He says so himself. I'm applauding his being honest about that AND the facts as he presents in the film.
I saw it yesterday. Even if only the actual documentary footage were true, it would be enough to impeach Bush. If the rest of the governnment were honest. Fat chance! I think Moore's done his homework, and it's all true. In 30 years or so, when everyone implicated is dead, they'll have an investigation, and they'll admit the truth, and they'll say, "What a pack of criminals were running the country back then, but we're different now!" Don't forget the Bush/Saudi connections, including with the bin Laden family and the web of connections and revolving doors involving the Bushes and Big Oil and the tons of money the Saudi royal family "invested" in G.W.'s failed businesses. I was especially shocked to learn that when the Black congressional caucus wanted to challenge the Florida vote for fraud (5,000 Black voters illegally turned away from the polls!) the debate could not procede because it would have required at least one senator to sign the resolution, and not one single senator signed! SEE THIS MOVIE!
Sounds just like the woman in the movie who yells 'blame al queda' to the woman who lost her son in Iraq. So, I guess it's ok to say the f word and have no qualms or regrets about it, and it's ok to show an ad compairing Kerry to Hitler and a triple amputee from Vietnam compaired to Osama - but make a movie questioning our leadership, and you're a liar. What really blows my mind is people who choose to ignore the truth when there's so much obvious truth right in their face. If it's all done in the name of a 'good Christian', we can rape and murder and lie and torture as we please! PRAISE JESUS! -m.
It really was an amazing movie. I loved that he didn't actually SHOW the towers. I loved that on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart asked him if the movie was fair and he said "No, of course not."
I saw this film last night. During the part where the mother who had lost her child was walking around Washington, barely able to walk because of her sorrow, I just broke down and started bawling. I think it was an accumulation of emotions I've felt ever since 9/11: from seeing people jump out of the flaming World Trade Centers, to Bush, Aschroft, and Ridge building a culture of fear so they can push their personal agendas, to the shift of blame to a country that's never attacked us, to tracking down Saddam while Osama and other real terrorists continue to plot and cause destruction throughout the Middle East, to seeing Nick Berg being beheaded (yes, I actually watched the video), to seeing the South Korean hostage beg for his life, and then finally seeing the summation of an entire three years of a wasted and terrorizing administration put on one woman's shoulders. I just couldn't take it. I've never been so ashamed to be an American in my life. I am NOT proud to be an American, and I know that I am NOT free.
My heart sank a lot in this movie....I do not know what happened in the Senate but I was not happy that NOT ONE SENATOR signed. It was not clear that it had to be a Florida Senator or it could be any senator but my senators are going to hear about it!!!! The look on Bush's face...if only briefly before he made his announcement on attacking Iraq...that brief look of glee made me sick. I though it was great when Moore tried to get the members of congress to send their children to Iraq. The fact that 24 members of Osam's family were in the US around the time of the WTC attack and they all go to go home on private jets was a :Wth: asking any of them questions? I might have to see it again to absorb everything....I am definitely going to the "town meetings" set up by shona
If Mr. Moore is so concerned about our country and policies and so anxious to enlighten us why doesn't he exhibit his film for free? I'm interested in what he has to say and willing to be persuaded by honest arguments, but why should I have to put a dollar in his pocket to do so?
I'm not quite sure how that would work, seeing as making a film on that scale costs millions of dollars. I doubt Moore could afford to make films for free for very long. It's about the same argument as "if you like the Prius so much and think it's good for the environment, then why don't you give them out for free?"
I really want to respond to this but I'm having a hard time forming the words. Will you go to work for the next year and spend about a million in expenses and refuse compensation, and if you do, what will you have demonstrated by that act? Do you think that compensation makes a writers words less true? Are you implying that the film is tainted by capitalism?
Who's going to distribute it for free, show it for free, make the next one for free. And what do you think the production company would think of the financial loss. Perhaps Moore, himself, could make a gesture and contribute all his personal profits to some charitable organization that opposes Bush's regime. But Moore has more than proven, by his past efforts, that he doesn't just do all this for personal gain. His entire life, practically, has been directed at his choses causes. To suggest that he doesn't deserve to profit is ridiculous. If he was solely a profiteer he could probably make a much better living producing romantic comedies so loved by the masses.
I don't know the details of how much he makes and how much he gives away, but for God's sake, LOOK at him. He's not exactly out blowing his earnings on oxygen facials and at Prada boutiques. And considering how much celebrities love him, he could easily go more mainstream, make some feature films, etc. I think the fact that a guy who could be making a LOT more than he's making is still out there doing passion projects says a great deal for him. If you don't want to give your seven dollars to him, then go ahead and keep giving your seven dollars to revolutionaries and martyrs like Mike Meyers and Vin Diesel. Not everyone is going to love this movie, and it's pretty damn partisan, sure, but the only place you could go to hear as much clapping and shouts of "that's right!" and "yes!" would be a revivalist church.
Whatshisname I salute you. I was just out walking on my land and realized that I had been successfully trolled. It's been a while but I feel foolish now to have responded. You drew me in like a moth to the flame.
Strategic Ignorance With or without seeing the movie, read Carl Pope's "Strategic Ignorance," - why the Bush Administration is recklessly destroying a Century of environmental progress. Very detailed, well documented.
Seriously, Hollywood is an entertainment center and should not be used as a propaganda distribution outlet. I can tell you this for sure. Many of my younger friends know history only as they learned it from the movies. I'm a life long Democrat, but I can see from the press and other commentary that this is a pure hate Bush movie. Political discussion is wonderful, in fact, elevating, but from what I read from all sources, some of the information in the film is incorrect. We can't fall for everything simply because it supports our opinions. It's obvous Moore has an agenda and I'm not asking him to lose money. There must be millions out there who agree with him and will support him. Look at what Charlie Chaplin did. He was an entertainer pure and simple. When he didn't like what the country did politically he packed up and left and there were others too. On the other hand look at Barbra Streisand. She swore if Bush got elected she'd leave the country, but she didn't. She couldn't even keep her promise. Part of the anger some devout Muslims have for us is our "sexy dirty Hollywood and its prostitute actors.". I don't agree with them, but now I fear we'll have to add dirty political expression, too.