I debated posting this in the Web issues forum, but I really think it makes more sense here, as more folks will probably see it and they won't think they are going crazy, but the mods can (and will) move it as they see fit. So, in this thread: Dead Fred | PriusChat I posted a link to the techstream thing on Amazon. When I pull up the thread on FireFox, no link visible. On Google Chrome, the link is right at the top. Of course, I still can't log-in with FF (oh, and who knows, maybe my thread link URL above will not be visible in FF.
Do you use adblock? I do, and an Amazon link I posted didn't show to me until I disabled the adblock.
You are a genius! Adblock is the culprit! Nice to know there is an actual reason for the strange doings!
@Danny Adblock is the panacea for me: the site locks up Internet Explorer every time I disable it. Just tried it again now.
I started using adblock because video ads at the bottom of the page was pulling the cursor down it is. Scroll back up, and it got pulled back down. Repeat.
I have to bounce back and forth between Safari (which I loathe) and FF and a forked I.E. I'm amazed I'm able to post anything at all.
Well if you' all would just go back to a 56 kbs Hayes modem, your problems would be solved. <GRINS> Truth be told, I've been thinking about using the text-only, Linux browser because the auto-play video has become so SPAMish. Fortunately, they don't over-ride the head phone jack that suppresses their audio. Bob Wilson