There have been a lot of searches here I have done that have come up empty. I would think it is odd that no-one has discussed that yet, but maybe so. Then I do a search on something I was just looking at yesterday. 'xm antenna spoiler' was my query, and it came up empty. So, after looking for it manually with fewer terms, I find what I am looking for. It turns out that those exact words were in the title of the post. So why didn't my search find it? I checked the spelling. Does anyone else have problems searching?
Did you put either single or double quotation marks around your search terms? I.e., did you enter your search as xm antenna spoiler OR 'xm antenna spoiler' OR "xm antenna spoiler" ? Because I get 3 results with the first, only this thread with the second, and nothing with the third. In other words, the quotation marks aren't needed.
I did the first one, w/o any quotes. Was one of your hits on the first search this thread?