I think it is clear that to most American buyers the white console in the Gen 4 looks out of place. Most of us who encounter the car for the first time like the car with the exception of the console. I notice that Dianne Whitmire made disparaging remarks about it and will be selling all models that would have the white console with the addition of the black overlay. I think that it is clear that Toyota made a major miscalculation in their aesthetic judgement in so far as America is concerned. My question is how is ithe console viewed by the Japenese? Toyota spoke of it as resembling white porcelain and I know that Japan has a great reverence for the ceramic arts. Does this description resonate with the Japanese? What do Japanese car reviews have to say about the design of the interior? Are there Japanese forums similar to Priuschat and what has been the reaction there? I am fascinated by Japan and its culture and would appreciate any information. Thanks, Alan
I saw Gen 4 for the first time over the weekend. I maybe the only person who has issue with this; but I thought this glass-like extension of the center Head Unit was HUGE, protruding from the dash at the level of " knee caps" and at the expense of a proper glovebox.
I am far from Japan, (i live in California) but I do love design and coloring scheme and I bought the 4 with Moonstone because of the white interior and dash. I have had too many black interior cars and it looks rather boring. The white and black makes it a very unique combination and makes it feel that the interior is bigger and more cheerful. It warms me up seeing it everytime
I'm really curious: do they do test marketing? I mean, if something is widely panned, how to does that reflect on their process?
hard to tell what we're looking at. can you give more perspective from further away? good question. so far, most of the 'expert' reviews have been either positive, or at least neutral. i wonder if they read the prius chatters opinions.
I am not saying its a bad styling nice idea to have new ideas....except the white apparently. I had a boss from Japan around 2006 I showed him my Prius I think when he went back he got one too.
i think a lot of current owners are used to the drab boring styling, and would prefer to see a continuation of it. it would be more interesting to get non owners perspectives, although, sales numbers won't tell the story.
I think the word symmetry was used, when Danny was talking to the rep about the glove box. There is a lot of symmetry in the above pic, everthing centered on the dash the nav, the speedo, the swooping sculpture lines (albeit interrupted by the steering wheel). But then, you've got the driver off to the left, with his steering wheel, pedals, messing everything up, lol.
I think the white console looks best with the Moonstone. The Moonstone interior isn't my cup of tea and with the black or dark gray interior the white console clashes IMHO. It would be nice if Toyota gave us the choice, rather than offering an accessory to cover it up. Even in black, I find it difficult to describe the interior as " rather boring."
I think white is easier to see at night--definitely better than black. Could that be it? The trims are near the cup holders and the charging pad. Most people drink when they drive.... And we all know most people can't put down the phone....
When I first sat in a 4, aside from the white console, the other thing I noticed was that sloping design piece over where a 2nd glove box would be. There is a huge gap between the slope and the plastic behind. It's wide enough to fit my cell phone. But because it's sloping, it would just slide out. So that piece serves no functionality at all and takes away a glove box???
I believe he's talking about the the 'lip' that is shown in these photos. You really have to see it either from the top of from the side to fully appreciate them. Or not appreciate them, whichever. In one of the photos, I placed my sunglasses on the lip to show that it's relatively substantial. Though not enough to actually store things on. Like others have said, it's clearly design over function. 2016 Prius Dashboard by TonyPSchaefer posted Feb 4, 2016 at 12:18 PM 2016 Prius Dashboard by TonyPSchaefer posted Feb 4, 2016 at 12:18 PM 2016 Prius Dashboard by TonyPSchaefer posted Feb 4, 2016 at 12:18 PM