I am considering trading my 2010 Prius II (over 107,000 miles) for the new '16. If anybody has an opinion on which version is best and why, I sure would appreciate the help.
Maybe the 2: 1. has spare tire 2. doesn't have white dash trim 3. has tried-and-true hybrid battery type
hard to choose for someone else. i'm a package 2 guy. nav is useless, i'd rather have a phone or garmin. would rather replace the sound system with aftermarket. i would like the power leather, but that's a reach. maybe i'd go up to the 3 for lithium and donut.
I'm thinking the same thing, 2010 about 90,000. Depends what's important to you. I have a version V with supposedly better handling, better steering and bigger tires, but the four tourings lack of a spare tire is pretty much a deal breaker for me, so I am thinking three touring. Although the white trim looks hideous I need to see it in person before my wife says no way. By the way my 2010 does not have tech package or NAV (very hard to get them this way). Wish I could forgo the NAV as even a $100 Garmin is far better than any factory NAV.
Yeah, I think you have to do the research and choose for yourself. It's a new model obviously, so nobody has really owned one long enough to uncover or discover a lot of minutia about differences. Personally? I notice from your profile that it would seem you bought a Gen 3, in it's first model year. You now want a Gen 4 in it's first model year. If it was me? I'd wait. Gain more information, as the vehicle is vetted in the real world. I personally like to wait for the first "refresh" as that usually addresses a lot of potential little problems. But if you don't want to wait that long? I think you need a trip to the dealership, and to do a little hands on testing.
I had the same thought about the white dash trim. Saw it on the III Touring and it looks cheap. They did a nice job with the design of the fabric seats, too. Nice looking car overall. My husband bought a new Tacoma and we were so disappointed that Toyota opted out of Apple CarPlay. You're right - the nav is useless when I have my phone to do the same thing. CarPlay would have integrated all that information so easily. Two is sounding better and better. Thanks. I don't need navigation - my phone is pretty handy. And 99% of the time I know where I'm going anyway. Thanks1 I'll check them out. With so many options, I hoped someone could help me narrow it down from their experiences. Of course, the dealer isn't much help in deciding. Whatever they have on the lot is the best one for you. I'm all for waiting - just worried about my battery and want to trade before being forced to replace it. Thanks for the help!
Wouldn't you at least have 2 more years under warranty? It's OK, your choice, 5 years and 100,000+ miles is not a quick changeover. But assuming you've maintained the vehicle well, I would think you wouldn't have to "rush" a purchase. It's OK just to want the new model.
Alright now, don't get ugly! The warranty expired over 7,000 miles ago - 8 years OR 100,000. Honestly, I love this car so much and have had such good luck with it that I think I would cry driving off and leaving it at the dealership.
it should be in the tables and charts thread. i'm 61, feel like 75. but i've never had a desire for safety devices. i don't even like seat belts. death wish, i know.
During negotiations, make adjusting the customization features you like as you like them, be a condition of sale. Reverse Beep, Seat belt beep, Auto lock/unlock, window auto open, etc. all the stuff you had to change or live with on your gen 3, make the dealer set it up for you on your Gen 4.
Sorry, wasn't thinking about your mileage...and the warranty expiration. Duh...on me... I suppose resetting the warranty as well getting the latest and greatest adds to the "do it" side of the ledger.
Dead hybrid battery is like a transmission repair, but simpler I believe. $2000-2500 hit. Not that bad though - drive the Gen III till it croaks! My 2 cents.
I'd wait a little bit. Right now the price for the new G4 is still artificially high because early adopters are squabbling over them. Also.....as you're driving around town see if there's an H&R Block(head) nearby. Notice the lines? Dealerships sure do. People are going to be getting tax rebate checks, and contemplating car purchases soon. You're pretty happy with the car you have. Wait until the dealers are a little but hungrier. Oh yeah....and if it's just the warranty thing that you're worried about? You can get a leftover 15 for less than 20K......a LOT less if you stay with a 2. Good Luck!
Is there a specific reason are you worried about your battery? It may be now outside warranty but based on what we know at this stage battery replacement for a 2010 with just over 100000 miles could well be 10 years in the future and 200,000 miles further down the road. The end of the warranty does not mean the end of a product's life. Most things last for many times their warranty period.
I have a 2010 w/90K and have loved it. I kept it and my wife will drive it. I bought a 2016 Two, not II because only 2010 used uppercase Roman numerals for model designatio. It handles better (as review indicate), is lower (feels lower, too), and the design is growing on me. The front end looks like an angry japanese cartoon character. I am an artist/designer and the design does matter to me, but I have to admit I am just or more interested in function- re: great mileage. My 2010 averages high 40's year round and is a great highway cruiser. My only complaint so far about my new 2016Two is the rear hatchback cargo cover is a flimsy piece of nylon with string suspension to between the hatch and the rear side hooks (where the cargo net accessory attaches, too). It automatically raises and lowers with the hatch, but, well its cheap and looks it. I guess this is the level II cost savings, but I miss my Gen 3 prius sliding cover- more robust and rolled up out of the way when not used. The one caution I have for new Gen 4 owners is: WATCHOUT for the lower front corners- lower and even more vulnerable to parking bumpers and curbs when parking!!! I only have about 100 miles on the new Prius, and will report more soon as miles accumulate. PS: Did not like the no spare idea. I did get a great price on mine- below MSRP out the door with all costs incl tax and reg!