If you happen to be fortunate enough to have a Prius with a sunroof, does it open all the way in one step, or do you have to open it up most of the way, and then press the button again to open it up fully? Also, only if you happen to have a moment, I'm trying to figure out how far it is supposed to open. If you get a chance, can you measure the maximum "open" area from the inside? If not, I'm still interested in the answer to the question above. I'm most interested in the 2010 model year, but any Gen 3 info will be useful... please just indicate your model year in your reply. Thanks!
My 2012 opens fully as I recall. Don't use it very often. The button is just an "on/off" rocker switch as far as I know. One side opens and the other closes and you have to hold the switch down until it's open or closed where you want it. The glass slides over the roof on the GIII. The first bit of opening tilts up the rear (to clear the roof) and that's the position I usually stop at. It's quieter that way.
For my 2012, 1st press of that rocker is just tilting up, 2nd press and hold will give me 8" of opening (measure from inside looking up/out, from front opening of sunroof headliner to front of sliding glass panel) and, 3rd press and hold will give me 10".
Correct. It has express open but to close u have to hold the close button the whole time it closing iPhone ?
Thanks, ours takes 3 presses to fully open as well. Thanks also for the measurements... I'll use those to see if it's opening all the way.