i need new headlights ASAP. These things are about 200$ per bulb. I want to snash my prius into bits. I need to remove the HID, find cheaper &reliable ones, or sell the car. If anyone knows how to remove HID and convert my car to hologyn please let me know. If you are interested in purchasing my 2008 Touring for $8,500 let me know. I've asked this question before, how to downgrade, and nobody helped me. They told me either that it's rediculous to downgrade or that there are similar posts. If you see a similar post please link it for me. I got this car to save money and these headlights are stressing me out. I love the car, this is the only issue i have with it.
Where are you shopping? $30 each, here: 2006 09 Prius HID Headlight Bulb D4R 90981 20029 Toyota 4300K Philips 42406 | eBay
My 2004 w/HID headlights has the original bulbs after 214K miles, so this is not a problem for me. It's up to you to decide whether that eBay vendor is reliable or not, good luck.
Ground? What do you mean? I have the OEM Philips but my car needs new ones. IDC if the replacements are after market or knockoffs as long as theyre afordable and will last me about 2-3 years.
Oh, okay mis-read your post. If original equiped HIDs, as Partick mentioned you can get those after market ones and they work just fine. Life of the HID depends on usage. I hear German ones last a bit longer due to the quality of the components. Chinese made are cheap enough to replace as needed. I have Chinese made ones on my classic Porsche, replaced first set of bulbs after 2 years not because the went out, they faded a bit ( chalk it up to quality of components, $20 total, I can replace 10 at your price ):
@fishys1 do u keep the headlights on all the time or just at night? The reason I ask is a lot of Gen2 owners misinterpret the meaning of "auto headlights". Most owners will just keep the headlights in the "on" position. They will turn off when the Prii is powered down but will come right back on when powered up. This will definitely reduce the life span of both the D2R bulbs & ballasts. This isn't an issue for non-HID equipped Prii's. Where are u located. Maybe 1 of us can give u a hand in replacing the bulbs since the dealer love to overcharge for this. iPhone ?
I only have them on in the rain or when the sun begins to set. I only have them on on my way home (about 30 minutes a night/ a little over three hours a week). I live in the SF Valley.. I know how to replace the bulbs but i need to buy bulbs first you know? /:
I drive by SFV every day. Here are the OEM D4R 4300k https://www.theretrofitsource.com/components/bulbs/d2r-philips-85149.html#.Vq_hK0U76JI Here are TRS branded D4S. I prefer 5500k https://www.theretrofitsource.com/components/bulbs/morimoto-xb-d2r-bulbs.html#.Vq_gMUU76JI iPhone ?
You're about to sell your Prius because of headlights? Jeez, am I the only one that would sooner take out my halogens and swap for your HID? If you were local, I'd even do all the work myself.
No they cannot. The "R" in D2R is for reflector type headlights. The "S" in D2S is for projector type headlights. The # 2 references a mercury bulb & the #4 is for mercury free bulbs. The 04-05 Prii uses D2R The 06-09 Prii uses D4R Since u have a 08 Prii, u need the D4R bulbs which I'm not seeing listed on TRS iPhone ?
I found some on DDM Tuning for a decent price plus a lifetime warranty. Does anyone have any experience with them?
I personally have never used DDM....too many horror stories plus who give bulbs a lifetime warranty unless they know their selling garbage.....I mean quality merchandise iPhone ?
I bought the ones from DDM Tuning. Two bulbs for $54 including shipping. I bought them because they have the warranty. Most bulbs I found within that price range didn't have a warranty. If DDM bulbs suck at least they have enough courage to own up to it and give you free replacements right? It sounds too good to be true but I've been looking for months and no one has been any help so I chose DDM.