Hi everybody, I have this horrible, rancid smell inside my car. I have wiped and vacuumed the entire interior and found nothing that could be causing the smell. Then we looked at a website, and it said that there could be chassis plugs that get undone. We looked inside the area where the spare tire is and there was fetid water. We cleaned that and inserted the plug properly, but the smell still remains. Does anyone know if there are other chassis plugs and where those are? If you think of anything else that might help, it is much appreciated, or if you had a similar experience. Please help. My baby is stinky! Thanks a billion.
Can you narrow down where the offending odors are coming from. Vent or engine compartment or trunk? No left over food under the seat?
Maybe. I live more out in the country so mice get in the garage, but I have a bunch of traps. If the plugs are big enough, who knows? Maybe if I find them I can sell them to Pets' Mart. No but seriously, this is a big problem. I think it is the wetness because we just had rains and then this happened. Also we took the car in. Maybe the mechanic "accidentally" let one loose before the rains came that week.
i would strip the car out of everything easy, not sure about the c 12 volt and hybrid batteries, but those areas need to be checked. before going that far, check your cabin filter.
No food under seats. Nothing in trunk. Checked under all the seats. It is very hard to tell. I have been sniffing all over the car. It is not from the vents. The worst smelling part was underneath the back seats where the batteries are, but even this didn't smell that bad. I am concerned that a plug came loose under the seats and there is water down there. I opened up the hood and smelled all around there and there was no smell. After you air it out during the drive it is ok, but once you close the doors and leave it over night, it smells horrible again.
Ding Ding Ding, I think we have a winner! Simple, just pop up the rear bench, no bolts to deal with. Just take note of the seat belt buckle orientation prior to removal. I bet you will find the culprit
Do you know of anywhere on the forum that gives instructions for checking the cabin filter and for popping up the rear bench?
Rear bench should just pop up and off. I don't it is your filter since you did not state odors were coming from the vents but does not hurt to check. If should be in the engine compartment some cars it is located over the 12 volt battery ( that is on Mercedes Benz's that is ) Quick Google Check, looks like behind the glove box:
sorry, no. but someone with a c will chime in. in the meantime, you can search key words and phrases. the cabin filter in the lift backs is accessed by lowering the glove box door. after opening it, you press in on the ends to release the stops while applying slight downward pressure. it may also be in your manual.
I had a similar issue with my C following some heavy rain. It turned out to be water leaking past the black rubber boot that house wires from the rear of the C. The water was leaking into the headliner then dripping down onto the rear seats and cargo area. The black boot can be found by opening the hatch and looking at the area between the hatch and the roof on the left side. After cleaning the area really well, I applied transparent silicone around the base of the boot, and problem solved. In addition to this, I allowed the C to air out long enough for the headliner to dry and the odor to dissipate. This may not be your issue, but it's one more thing you can check of the list of possible culprits.
When my C was 3 months old, I had a similar problem. The culprit was a field mouse in the vent above the traction battery. He got there in the winter in North Georgia, then I went to visit family for Christmas in South Florida. He didn't do so well in the heat. I have photos of a stripped out interior, but you don't want to see the carnage.