Disclaimer, I'm by far the least mechanically inclined when it comes to cars. I've purchased some NF210 lowering springs (and a TRD rear sway bar) but I've been delaying installing them for lack of instructions on how to properly do so. Anyone know where I can obtain a springs replacement manual, or a video of someone replacing springs on a C?
Thank you, but I was hoping for a specific video on the C, or similar like the Yaris with the same chassis. I get the basic idea, but due to my not having any experience with suspension, I'd feel better prepared reading diagrams or copying another dude doing the same thing with the same bolts in the same spot.
Theres only two bolts which hold the bottom of the strut and three bolts which are the plate which bolts to the body. There may be a small bolt which attaches your ABS or brake line to the strut.. Tell you what - just jackup your car on one side and take off the wheel. Just study what we are talking about. Think it over. If you are going to do it do only one side at a time. Now if you bought the struts without the springs your going to have to get a strut compresser tool to collapse the spring to unmount and then remount the spring. Another thing is that practically ALL strut designs are the same and the same method to remove them. If you see enough videos..they themselves become the blueprint in your mind.
I get what you're saying, in short to stare at it and figure it out. My issue is remove with what tools (size/type?), are there are safety precautions I should be aware of. Are there different reassembly procedures I should keep in mind that are different from disassembly. The things that might be common sense with a mechanically inclined person or to someone that has done it before I am not aware of. Hence, I'd like to see it done properly on the appropriate platform so that I have a solid blueprint to work from, tbh I'm assuming you already possess. It's lazy I understand, but I'm trying to minimize the time I go rent/borrow tools as well. I'm mobility limited so if I do move, I'd want to make it count. Back to the main topic.. In the past I've leaned on Haynes manuals to help me with basic car maintenance. They give step by step instructions, along with the tools and materials you'll need to complete a job. They would also show cautionary alerts for things easily missed. I would be perfectly happy with that.
donny if i was u i will not do it urself !! u dont know anything about supension.i rather spend the money to do it, i use to do all my supension on my car but this one i had a lil trouble and it took me at least 2 hour. the rear is really easy but the front is alot of trouble. if u have any question u could call me !!
The rear ones didn't look like too much of a challenge, but you're right, it was the front shocks that looked like they would give me issues due to the immense stuff in the way. Luckily I was able to find the removal/replacement instructions on the TIS site via a 2day access for $15. https://techinfo.toyota.com
if u try it good luck man, i was really frustrating when I get mines, all u need is a tool box set, a breaker bar and a spring compressor, if u never use a spring compersor be very very careful u could really get hurt with one of those