key replacement questions

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by ksjazzguitar, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. ksjazzguitar

    ksjazzguitar Junior Member

    Dec 12, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I know you're probably sick of key questions, but I get so much conflicting info that I thought I'd check if I could get a

    I have a 2007 Prius, not smart entry (black logo). We are the second owner and got only one key when we bought it. I bought a second key on ebay (used I think) and did a chicken dance and got it to work fine after a few tries.

    Unfortunately I lost one a while back leaving me with one (the original one, I think.) Also, the key I lost had the only cut emergency key.

    My questions are as follows:

    1) If the key I have is not the original key, can I still program the new key with the key that I programmed? (I've read somewhere that it can't, but in others that it can?)

    2) Does the key have to be new to reprogram? (Again, conflicting data.)

    3) How do I get a new emergency key cut? I know that this isn't vital, but I'd like one. If I go to the original dealer that sold it to the original owner (with my title in hand), how much are they going to charge to cut a new one? Can I get the code from them and have someone else cut it for cheaper? Once I have one key cut, can any locksmith copy it onto a new blank?

    And I guess, lastly, any suggestions on where to buy the cheapest new key fob?

    Thanks. I could search for all these answers but after 30 minutes I gave up.
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    do you have the little key tag with the info that comes with the car?
  3. ksjazzguitar

    ksjazzguitar Junior Member

    Dec 12, 2012
    2007 Prius
    No, I don't. I'm the second owner and never got it.
  4. exstudent

    exstudent Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Torrance, CA
    2007 Prius
    You gave-up too early. Try changing the words you are searching.

    Question 1 & 2 are answered w/in the link below. You probably want to read the thread in its entirety.
    Finally! How to program a non-SKS key/fob. Detailed! | PriusChat

    3) How do I get a new emergency key cut?
    Dealer will tell you what documents are needed to cut you a new key.

    If I go to the original dealer that sold it to the original owner (with my title in hand), how much are they going to charge to cut a new one?
    Have you tired asking that dealership or any dealership?
    Price of parts and labor rates vary from dealer to dealer; often times by large amounts.
    You really need to do some leg work.

    Can I get the code from them and have someone else cut it for cheaper?
    Probably after you buy the first key cut or a NEW fob from a dealer.
    I can't see them providing you with the 5 digit numeric key code for free.

    Once I have one key cut, can any locksmith copy it onto a new blank?
    You can go to a hardware store if you wanted to. However, they may not carry the small key blank that fits inside the key fob remote.
    Toyota and Amazon have key blanks for key fob remotes. eBay will probably have these too.
    Some people here prefer to have a BIG, full size, key cut.

    And I guess, lastly, any suggestions on where to buy the cheapest new key fob?
    Internet search "Toyota OEM parts".
    A multitude of links will appear. Most are genuine dealers now operating an online site.
    Other links are parts stores that carry parts for all cars, but not OEM Toyota parts.
    Probably best to get the key fob part number from a local dealer first, to make the price search on a dealer Internet site easier.

    #4 exstudent, Jan 29, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
  5. ksjazzguitar

    ksjazzguitar Junior Member

    Dec 12, 2012
    2007 Prius
    Thank you. I read the link you posted but still found my questions not clearly answered. (and 75% of the 13 pages was discussing things that have nothing to do with me: SKS keys, can you use and SKS key in non-SKS, can you program a key to more than one car, my chicken dance didn't work, what about overseas cars, etc.)

    With regards to question 1, I'm still not clear if "original" key means one that came with the car originally or simply one that has been reprogrammed. I know that I need a working key to begin the chicken dance, I'm just not clear if it needs to be "original" original. But I didn't make that clear in the question. I can't find that question answered clearly anywhere. I do remember somewhere long ago, someone referring to certain keys as "slaves" to the "master" key and that you needed to the master to reprogram, but in these types of threads people often don't distinguish between knowledge and conjecture. I was hoping someone might have an authoritative answer. Rather than append my unique question onto the end of an old 13-page rambling thread, I though I'd start a new one.

    With question 2, there is again lots of conflicting data. Some people report that they CAN program used keys and some people report that they CAN'T reprogram used keys. Others talk about a counter and resetting software.

    Your comments on question 3 are about what I expected. I just wondered if anyone had any experience with this. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what they paid so I would know if I was getting ripped off by the dealer. I also forgot to mention that I already have 2 emergency key blanks - that is what I wanted to take to a hardware store to get copied. But again, I just wondered if anyone had any actual experience.

    In the end, I guess I'm just going to by a new key (it will be nice to have one that I don't have to worry about falling apart) and see about getting the emergency key cut at the dealer (I know I don't "need" it, but could use it.) Maybe then I'll buy a cheap used fob to see if we could have an extra spare.

  6. exstudent

    exstudent Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Torrance, CA
    2007 Prius
    You made this way more complicated than it needed to be.

    I read the link you posted but still found my questions not clearly answered. (and 75% of the 13 pages was discussing things that have nothing to do with me: SKS keys, can you use and SKS key in non-SKS, can you program a key to more than one car, my chicken dance didn't work, what about overseas cars, etc.)
    The link was for the programming steps for a non-SKS fob. Yes, some portions don't apply (ie SKS), but it was important for you to see the programming steps and see where others made programming mistakes, so you don't try to reinvent the wheel.

    You had already performed the "chicken dance," to add a fob. You were to perform the dance once more, to add the 4th new/used fob.

    With regards to question 1, I'm still not clear if "original" key means one that came with the car originally or simply one that has been reprogrammed. I know that I need a working key to begin the chicken dance, I'm just not clear if it needs to be "original" original. But I didn't make that clear in the question. I can't find that question answered clearly anywhere. I do remember somewhere long ago, someone referring to certain keys as "slaves" to the "master" key and that you needed to the master to reprogram, but in these types of threads people often don't distinguish between knowledge and conjecture. I was hoping someone might have an authoritative answer. Rather than append my unique question onto the end of an old 13-page rambling thread, I though I'd start a new one.
    Classic Prius (2001-2003) uses a MASTER and SLAVE/Valet key.

    Gen 2 Prius w/ non-SKS, just needs any working key fob that can "start" the car (enter READY mode), to start programming a new or used key fob.

    With question 2, there is again lots of conflicting data. Some people report that they CAN program used keys and some people report that they CAN'T reprogram used keys. Others talk about a counter and resetting software.
    The car gets programed to the key fob; essentially the car learns a new or used key fob.
    Generation 2 Prius (2004-2009), can only learn 4 fobs total.
    When the car was brand new, 2 fobs were programed, leaving space for 2 more.
    Assuming original owner never added any fobs, you only have space for 1 more fob.
    Counter, likely refers to the dealer level program that counts down from 16 minutes when performing a rest to, add a used sks fob to a Prius with SKS.
    Reset (Immobilizer and ECU) is required for SKS Prius to learn a used SKS fob, to maintain the fob free lock/unlock/START capability that SKS offers. Not resetting, will require the owner to press the button on the fob to lock/unlock, and insert fob into slot on dash, to START the car; defeats the SKS feature.

    Its in your best interest to have a dealer program your 4th fob. They can delete the lost 2 fobs, bringing the total programed fobs to two.
    You now have space for 2 more fobs. The lost fobs will not lock/unlock/READY your car because they were unlearned.

    Your comments on question 3 are about what I expected. I just wondered if anyone had any experience with this. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what they paid so I would know if I was getting ripped off by the dealer. I also forgot to mention that I already have 2 emergency key blanks - that is what I wanted to take to a hardware store to get copied. But again, I just wondered if anyone had any actual experience.
    What if a person in Boise, Idaho, reports their dealer charged them $90 for programming.
    What if the dealers near you charge $120, $135, or $140, and you live in a costly market (Seattle, San Francisco, Miami, NYC).
    Are you going to drive to Boise?
    Would your dealer match Boise's labor rate?

    The hardware store can cut the blanks, once you have a physical key.
    Maybe the dealer will be nice and cut your blanks, if you pay their programming fee.

    Ask the dealer if the price of a new fob includes programming?

    In the end, I guess I'm just going to by a new key (it will be nice to have one that I don't have to worry about falling apart) and see about getting the emergency key cut at the dealer (I know I don't "need" it, but could use it.) Maybe then I'll buy a cheap used fob to see if we could have an extra spare.
    The non-SKS fob part number should be 89070-47180. Camelback has it for $93.48; free shipping if $150+ is met.
    Why buy eBay/Craigslist used, when the difference is small.
    #6 exstudent, Feb 2, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
  7. Rogeroh

    Rogeroh Junior Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    Melbourne, Australia
    2008 Prius
    Just a cautionary note to anyone from outside the US - the US Prius key fob is a Tokai Rika Model B21TG (which operates at 312.15 MHz). You can see the model number if you slide off the battery compartment cover. The non-American Prius (specifically for me in Australia) uses a Tokai Rika Model B23TA key fob operating at 433.92 MHz. I found out the hard way as I recently bought a new fob on eBay - I can get the car to recognize the key and start the engine, however it can't be used to open the doors.
    SFO and bisco like this.
  8. Giesse

    Giesse Junior Member

    Jan 30, 2016
    Victoria, Australia
    2006 Prius
    Hi Rogeroh, I have just bought a 2006 Prius i-Tech (I pick it up tomorrow). It only comes with one key fob so I'm feeling a little nervous about not having a spare. You said that you bought a US key fob which uses a different frequency. I keep reading about the chicken dance method of programming a remote but obviously I need to get said remote in the first place. Did you manage to find a source of one that's suitable for Australia? I hate to think of what I'll pay if I get it straight from Toyota...
  9. Rogeroh

    Rogeroh Junior Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    Melbourne, Australia
    2008 Prius
    Hi Giesse, congrats on your purchase - they are a great car! However I'm afraid you are going to have to fork out around $300 for a new key fob from a local Toyota dealer. And as you have the i-Tech with keyless entry ,the SKS fob may cost extra. You can then use the chicken dance successfully and don't have to have the fob programmed. Unfortunately whilst you can program the US key fob to start the car, it can't be programmed to open the doors as it uses a different radio frequency. I found out the hard way! Cheers. Roger.
  10. Giesse

    Giesse Junior Member

    Jan 30, 2016
    Victoria, Australia
    2006 Prius
    Thanks, Roger! I was hoping to find a cheaper way, but... Oh well. I currently have a Honda Odyssey which the Prius will be replacing and I had to get a new key for that, too. It doesn't have keyless entry, but it does have the transponder chip and remote locking buttons. I got that for just under $100 on eBay but had to take it to the local Honda dealer for programming. They told me that they got it to work with the transponder but were unable to get the lock buttons working. I took it home, thinking that I'd bought a dud, and tried the Honda equivalent of the chicken dance to program it. Worked instantly! I don't know what the local dealer did wrong, but I had no trouble.

    I guess I'm wondering, also, if I buy the key fob from Toyota, are they going to refuse to sell it to me unless they do the programming (and charge me extra for their "time")? I guess you were able to buy just the key fob, so hopefully my local dealer will do the same.

  11. Priusyipee

    Priusyipee Active Member

    Nov 9, 2012
    Upstate New York
    2005 Prius
    Not sure where yu bought the car but the key could be a negotiation point. I also bought one that only had one fob. Since the car was bought at the dealer I insisted that a new fob be given to us AND programmed to seal the deal. If a private owner, try to negotiate the cost or split the difference. (he/she drops the cost by 1/2 the value of the new fob.)