Hola all. Been lurking here for a bit while accumulating the components for an audio upgrade. Going to stick with the barebones stock HU. The Prius C has just a woofer and tweeter on the front door, no rear speakers. This is the first upgrade I've ever done and have lurked these and other forums / websites for install tips so have a good grasp on the overall concept. Its the little details that are glossed over that I'm wanting some resolution on. I'm installing the following: Polk DB6501 speakers Audiocontrol LC2i Alpine PDX-V9 JL 12W6V3 The question I have is positioning and wiring of the LC2i. The plan is to locate it with the PDX-V9 under the rear driver side seat. The current speaker wires coming off the HU will need to be rerouted back to the LC2i to provide input. Is simply re purposing the existing wires an adequate solution or would it be better to rewire at the HU and run new wires back to the LC2i? If I go the rewiring route, would it be prudent to purchase a new plug? Thanks for any insight you can provide, this forum is by far the best out there for Prius owners.
I have no idea how you decided on your parts, but they seem far from optimal to me. The woofers are highly inefficient at 85.4 db/watt. The ones I am using are 92db/watt. This means I need 4 times less power to make the same amount of sound. The alpine amp is reasonably efficient, but their snake oil about having a frequency response that goes to 100khz is silly. Years ago, I could hear 20khz, but nobody else I tested could hear it. I am quite confident that nobody can hear 100khz. If you use cd's as source material, you will absolutely not get any signal above 22khz. At least the polk speakers you picked are reasonably efficient. Your level converter should not be necessary, as most decent amps can deal with speaker level inputs. Here are my recommendations, in order of priority. 1) get some good dash speakers and a bigger 'bass blocker' capacitor. This will make more difference than anything else. 2) add sound dampening to the doors, and replace the OEM door speakers, as they are junk. 3) If you want a subwoofer, I recommend buying a good DSP processor, a reasonably sized amp, getting good power wiring to the amp, some reasonably efficient woofers, and an enclosure like the one I built. This will not use up all the space in the trunk. weasel.com: 2012 Toyota Plug in Prius Stereo
logpok, thank you for the input but I've already purchased these components - the question was in regards to the installation. Tore into the Prius yesterday and see there is no way that Alpine is going under the back seat - did find a spot for the LC2i next to the battery though and will put the Alpine under the front passenger seat.