Hi Forum, I want to run an idea by you guys: Since the ornamental wheel covers don't interfere with removing the lug nuts... ...I was thinking of applying epoxy glue (Super glue, Gorilla glue, Loctite, etc.) to the backs of the covers so that they stick permanently to the alloy rims. - Will that be strong enough to keep the covers from flying off upon, for example, hitting a curb? - Would vandals/thieves be able to pry the "glued" covers off by dissolving the adhesive with, for example, vinegar? If the idea sounds great, please feel free to suggest brands, instructions, and whatever else handy. Thanks a bunch and have a great day!
It's your car, you can do whatever you want. IMO, the plastic wheel covers detract from the alloy wheels. They came off as soon as the center caps I ordered came.
Why would anyone want to steal the cheap plastic cover off a Prius? I dount they'll fly off, mine were pretty tight.
Doesn't the wheel cover cover the lug nuts? Even if they didn't, they will be in the way if you need to replace the tires. Thieves won't care or know if they are glued on and will still try and pry them off. In the end they will either be taken or damaged.
If you impact the wheel hard enough on a curb or pothole, you could lose the hubcap. I did when I was a teenager driving my sister's car. I contemplated hard about parking next to another same vehicle. With good cover, I could probably snatch off one hubcap without anyone knowing. I don't have $100 for a set of 4 from the dealer when I only need one. When you're a teenager facing the wrath of an older sister, you don't think straight. Anyway, don't glue it. Will get in the way of changing tires.
Just took a look at Ebay and covers are selling for ~$25-$35. That's probably too cheap for thieves to mess with and also cheap enough that if you ever do lose or damage one it's pretty painless to replace.