Hello all, Has anybody had any problems with a 55 watt hid conversion lamp melting the plastic lighting housing? Thank you, --jeff
Haven't heard of it happening, but don't do it. The folks over at HID Planet say installing 55w HIDs, especially if it's in stock halogen projectors, creates a lot of foreground glare that will actually constrict your pupils and decrease your night vision. So brighter, isn't necessarily better.
I've had 55w in my car since I got it in 2010. It works just fine but I don't think there's any real benefit over 35w tbh. Its a little brighter but the glare is much worse. Its a diminishing return to go above 35w.
I had my 35 watt HIDs in there for just about a year now. No hot spots in term of light or melting anything here.