I have a 2015 Plug in Prius and a Samsung Galaxy S5. I am having terrible bluetooth issues. It connects fine then after a minute or two the bluetooth on the cars gets turned off. I can turn of engine and turn it back on and it connects again for couple of minutes after that the bluetooth on prius shows turned off. It is terrible. Anyone else experiencing this?
Yes. Have a Note 4. Was doing this since the phone was new. Latest phone update has corrected this issue.
I had a S4 for years, with never a problem in the Prius for both music & phone. Just upgraded to a S6. Same bullet-proof reliability. I routinely connect to a Bluetooth speaker from the phone too, for both listening to music around the house and for phone calls. No problems. I'd try verifying your phone is well... Restart it from time to time. Close all open apps. Pull updates for apps and the operating-system. Connect to some other Bluetooth device.
I had the issue where the Bluetooth just stopped working with my Galaxy 5. I complained when I took it in for service. The tech helped me set it up after the service, and of course it was fine. Maybe something in the car needs updating?
Well, Toyota is behind the time as far as technology is concerned. To connect my Bluetooth, I would already be driving in silence and almost a full city block before Toyota Bluetooth can find my phone to play music. Co-worker makes fun of me (well, actually makes fun of my prius). Haha iPhone ?
I've found that often times when I have BT connection issues, rebooting the phone solves it. There was one particular nasty problem where the music would skip making you think it was a bad mp3 or lousy internet connection. I lived with it for a week wondering what was wrong until I relistened to a portion of the audio book and it skipped and didn't before. It happened on my wife's newer iPhone also.
I've have the same issue with my 2014 Prius V. It connected for a few weeks and now it connects for a few minutes and shuts off. The Bluetooth system shows it is off and I cannot figure out how to turn it back on again. I actually did a soft reset once and it started back up but then after a few minutes shut off again. Is this a phone or entune issue? I have a Galaxy S5 and use a BT speaker at work with no issues. Any help will be appreciated.
In order of severity, this is what I do: 1. Restart Entune by pushing in the volume knob 2. Turn BT on/off on phone 3. Restart phone 4. Restart car 5. Delete BT connection on phone and car. And reconnect. 5 always fixes the problem and luckily has only been needed twice since I got the car. 1 and 2 happens all the time, say once or twice a week. 3 happens less than once a month. If 1,2, & 3 doesn't fix the problem I put up with it until I get to my destination because I refuse to stop to do 4. The problem fixes itself when I need to use the car again.