I'm not a Dealer Basher. I have had some really good experiences with Dealers, and some really bad ones. Yesterday I had the worst and I really felt I had to talk about it. You know....helps to not keep it in....... I tried out a dealer close to where I work because I HOV it and if I have to leave my car all day at my local dealer, I'm screwed into a 2 hour drive in and out of the city. I went in, asked for the Prius 30K service (not the standard pamphlet of crap that does not pertain to Prius) and after some discussion, they agreed to do the things I had not already done (like both filters being replaced). I asked that they look at the TSB for the fuel filler neck since I have to eternally Top off, top off, etc to get a full tank of gas. I gave them the specific number and of course they have my VIN. The rest was simple - check the alignment, align if needed, rotate tires, replace WW and change the oil with M1 synthetic. That's not so hard is it? The cost was supposed to be $126 if the alignment was needed. That's fine with me. So - I pick up the car and oh by the way, they did not read the TSB and told me my gas tank was fine. I was patient for awhile, then when it was clear the service manager had no idea what I was referring to, I let it go. The car did need an alignment, so the bill was $126 as stated. Then I go out to the car and when I try to get in, the first thing I am greeted by is my driver's seat stained with 5 finger streaks of oil across the seat, the arm rest likewise and big blobs of dark spots on my floor mat. Did I mention this is the ivory interior? I take very good care of my cars, and the service manager thought it was an 06 when I drove it in - so that will give you and idea of the preceding condition. They proceed to flood the car with soap, rub the hell out of the seat with a chamois and basically screw it up royally, smearing the grease all over and making the seat fabric look very worn and pilled from the scrubbing. I complained, was told it was only "wet" and it would look fine. I suppose some people buy that crap, but I have been building and repairing cars for almost 35 years and I politely told him he was full of S__T and talked to the general manager. Now I have a car that is very wet and I have a 30 mile commute home with it. He want's to keep the car - can't do that, not sure I want to do that! So - I spend another 30 minutes looking at the work that was done, and what do I find?? The oil is organic, not synthetic, and the tires were not rotated. How can I tell? I mark them on the inside sidewall and they were all original positions, and the wear from the alignment was clearly still on the tires on the front. At that point the GM is getting aggravated - some with me, some with the service manager who is denying everything. Did I say they had my car for 8 hours? Where did I end up with BILL PAGE TOYOTA of FALLS CHURCH, VA? I am not paying for the service, and I am referring the situation to Toyota for repair of my front seat, and replacement of my oil and filter. I doubt I will get anywhere, but it's worth a shot - they really messed up my interior. If I had ever expected such shoddy workmanship, out and out fraud, and lack of attention to the instructions I left with the car in writing, I would never have gone to them. AND - I will never go back. For those of you in the DC area - beware - and be vigilant with this dealer. They are not skilled, and are basically out of control. I'll take a day off from here on out and take my work to MILLER TOYOTA of Manassas, VA. Always had good luck with them. They aren't perfect but they do the work with professionally skilled people and they don't let amateurs mess with a Prius. Any of you had anything like this happen to you??? For petes sake! In 40 years of driving I have never had one dealer do such a lousy job, if not out and out attempt to rip me off and not do the work I paid for!! Okay- I feel better.
you can use a solvent to get that grease off- DH takes all precautions but still does occasionally get dirt somewhere- he uses throttle body cleaner and it takes it off with no harm the the fabric. (yes, we've used it on our own car too) as far as dealers, stick with the ones you know you can trust.
That's too bad. The first dealer I went to (Frank Toyota of National City) overfilled my oil (and told me it was OK to do so when I complained), rotated the tires, but didn't change the pressure (I then had 40/42) and set the temperature to an rude (but amusing) 69 degrees. The last dealer I had a problem with (Bob Baker Toyota of San Diego), they corrected the problem when I complained. But it was nothing on the level you had though. Again, that's too bad.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ May 10 2006, 02:43 PM) [snapback]252963[/snapback]</div> Thanks Galaxee - I've used many solvents in restoring car interiors, so I know I can get it out. I also use an extraction technique that goes something like - apply the solvent, (as simple as odorless mineral spirits after testing it in an inconspicuous place), then using a "steam" cleaner like Bissel (which is just warm water or cold water - whatever you put in the tank, not steam), and pushing water into the fabric, then using the same unit to wet vac it out as much as possible. I find that rinsing it this way removes the solvent, the dirt, and does not oversoak the upholstery (as the dealer did). It usually leaves it bright and new looking, however this time, the wear from constantly rubbing and chaffing a fake chamois over the fabric (okay scrubbing) just rolled and pilled the fabric - it's essentially scrap - looks like it has 200K miles on it.
oof. that sucks i'd be pushing the dealer for a seat replacement and for them to correct all their other mistakes- and heading to toyota regional if they won't own up to the problem. dealers are responsible for taking care of their own FUBARs but if they won't... then you apply pressure from above. also, does your local news have a "problem solver" reporter? one of our local stations does, and let me tell you businesses are deathly afraid of her... that might be one way to get your situation taken care of. this is definitely something that should be publicized.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ May 10 2006, 03:32 PM) [snapback]253009[/snapback]</div> Ya know - that's a helluva idea - I'll go look at see. I think there is a "7 on your side" thing on the ABC Ch 7 news section. I'll bet they'd love this one. I don't know how to get to Toyota Regional right now - still researching it and hope to refer it to them in the next day or so. All I get from the dealer are offers of a free oil change. These guys are real pieces of work. I think they got really po's when I showed them the tire marks (LF, LR, RF, RR) on each tire, before I left the site, and all in the same place they were the night before. Oh yeah - one more thing - they overfilled my oil too - that's what got me interested in the oil thing - I told them to draw it down, they wouldn't, and then showed me the cost of the organic oil they used. Whoops....gotcha.....I siphoned the oil off myself last nite.