Does this car have a sensor/light for a low windshield washer fluid warning? I have a fully loaded 2015 v with ATP and my manual doesn't even show it! Tonight, I had to pull over the highway as the tank was empty and I didn't get any pop-ups or warning lights.
canada may be different, but i don't think we have it here. definitely not on the lift back, not sure about the v.
well I've pulled every friggin' Prius user manual for the past 5yrs and I don't see it anywhere in the specs. Seriously, Toyota?! How can they implement useless warning lights and completely overlook this one?!
Wow, there is such a thing? That reminds me of my coworker's BMW with a instrument light that says one of his rear lights was out. Unfortunately for him, all his rear lights were working. Something was wrong with the sensor, I guess.
Yes, there certainly is. My 1984 Ford Lemon POS had it as part of an option package, including indicators for headlights (low beam only) and tail lights out. While it was a nice feature, it didn't make up for the budget cutting deficiencies in the more mission-critical transportation components such as engine, transmission, and suspension. Every household car since then has lacked this feature, yet been a greatly superior vehicle overall. Since that Ford, I have run out of washer fluid exactly once, the first winter after acquiring the next vehicle. That was enough to get me back in the habit of topping off before it ran out. In short, I now associate that indicator as a fancy bell & whistle masking budget and quality cuts in the important but hidden stuff.
Agreed, that's why I brought up the faulty BMW sensors. I am also glad Toyota didn't include this feature and make me pay for it. TPMS forces by the government is too much already