I called Toyota about getting a diagram of the fuse boxes on my 2016 prius 4. No information yet. I can't imagine not putting a fuse box diagram in the owners manual. I also can't find the 15 inch wheel offset. No wheel sellers have this information. JWB
There's a diagram on the lid of the fuse box is there not? Pretty cryptic though. I'd bet the wheels are identical to third gen, fwiw.
wheels are pretty much the same as the old prius.. if you going just normal wheels the offsets and widths don't get that aggressive .. I know 20x9 will fit on the new prius
I'll buy access to TechInfo on Friday and see what I can find. I've not used it before but it won't be the first time I've paid tuition at the school of hard knocks. Bob Wilson
Finally found the offset for stock 15 inch wheels is 40 mm. Got some fuse diagrams from the dealer from the factory repair manual . Thanks Mac Haik Toyota in League City Texas. Never heard back from Toyota Tech service.