I tried searching and couldn't find this, so I'll apologize in advance if this is already covered. I just put down a deposit on a 2016 Prius Three. And, I've gone online to search for winter tire/wheel packages, and the easy way (input year and model) isn't working. So my question is this: Did the wheel size / bolt pattern change from 2010-2015 to 2016? Or, are they the same? (Which would mean I could just shop for wheels for a 2010-2015 prius? PS anyone have any good source recommendations? TireRack is showing out of stock on their lower priced 15" wheels that are compatible with a 2010-2015 prius...
Did you mean a 2016 Prius? In any case I am in the market for another set of wheels for Winter tires and hence I have the same question. I spoke with Tirerack back in December and they need to have a vehicle driving into their Indiana location to make measurements on before they list the compatible wheels on their website.
I did - thanks! I've corrected the original post. Thanks! I'll keep the thread posted on what I find.
This would be really helpful information. Because if the bolt pattern is the same I can reuse my winter tires of the gen3 on the gen4 - assuming I am getting one
I believe the bolt size/pattern is the same. Not so sure about the offset though. Small changes might be ok. Best way currently to tell is to try a wheel from a GEn 3 on the Gen 4. Not the spare (if you have one), as that is different. Perhaps ken@japan will see this and let us know. He is usually first with this kind of info. You can measure the offset yourself if you have both wheels. Lay them flat on the level ground (floor) outside up. Measure through the bolt holes from the bottom of the hole to the floor. If they are both the same then no problem.
Test fitted my old wheels from my Prius 30 .. wheel spec are the same fitment. 19x9 Fronts +49 Rear +37 Rears Fronts
As I understand it there are three parameters used to properly fit a wheel to the vehicle: Bolt pattern, Offset, and Centerbore. It seems confirmed that the Bolt Pattern is the same as the Gen-3 Prius (5x100). What about the other two paramters?
Thanks. What about the tire pressure monitoring system in the Gen-4. Will the Gen-3 TPMS work for the Gen-4? (looking to buy a compatible TPMS sensor, no re-use))
not sure on the TPS but toyota will not make a TPS sensor for each car. many are the same part number. they have to re sync to the car though by the dealer
Sorry to revive a old thread but since I was searching for threads involving offsets this one came up. Yes, I used the search feature When you were trying your current wheels on the 4th gen Prius did it fit even though you're gen 3 is wide body? Just wanted to clarify in case this post was made before your added the kit.