I've been browsing threads have come to the following conclusion. Here's what the 2016 Prius Heads up Display looks like: Here's what some members of Priuschat expected:
Here are some photos I took today in my just born Prius 3 w/ATP. I really like the HUD feature. The HUD can be re-positioned, but only slightly up and down.
Heads-up display is the ultimate counter argument for those who hate the dash-center instruments. Bob Wilson
Regarding the Speed Limit on the HUD, it seems to appear only when there is a change in the Speed Limit. It eventually disappears and the display either only shows your MPH or it shows MPG with Hybrid System Indicator (see below). The speed limit is, however, always available on the dash board's "Multi-Function Display" (MFD). The information in the MFD can be changed to one of seven screens, including the "Navigation system linked display", which shows the speed limit and a compass. (second image below)
I wonder if it will be in the Canadian Gen 4. It hasn't been offered in the Prius in Canada yet. The Gen 4 is still not on the Toyota Canada site, other than a "it's coming, it's great" side banner.
Do you mean that the HUD is directly in front of the driver, so why not do the same with the instruments? Totally agree. They could virtually duplicate HUD by just moving the instruments over in front of the driver. More likely, knowing Toyota, they'll move HUD to center of the windshield.
I love the head's up display. No buyer's remorse for me. Tha and the dynamic cruise control are the two features that make this car special for me...
Didn't get to try out PCS eh? I couldn't ding my garage wall, unlike before, in a controlled experiment . I was thinking of the same experiment in reverse with my garage door closed, but am a little wary because there's not much clearance.
Dont do back up test because thats not going to work as well as front system... Rear one is only with SIPA parking system and only works based on parking sensors which is a lot less reliable that front system that has radar + camera.
I like that they improved the HUD . It shows more Information than gen 3. HUD and is colorful ,but why the hell did they get rid of the EV indicator ? Now I nessceceraly have to look at the MFD to see if the car has turned off the engine and it's running on the battery only . It shows a variety of road signs,clearance sonar,lane keep warning,brake warning,navigation directions and more,but Toyota forgot the EV indicator ? Since the HUD is now full color,the could have at least changed the color of the curved eco-bar to indicate the car is running on electricity only,it would have served the same purpose.
That guy is way too afraid. It will park much faster if you allow it to. And thats the problem with all the parking assist systems, people are afraid to use them.
The HUD is good and bad. The good? you can move it and set brightness. You can also decide what the HUD is able to display. Not knowing what everything meant i turned it all on. It's great. At different times depending on what's going on - it will show you upcoming NAV directions (very well done btw, simple and easy), EV "rev meter" as i call it (not the graphic itself), to speed limits, etc. However, I believe if you enable "split screen", it keeps to the EV/MPH graphic. The Bad? It very easily fades out or hits the edge and cuts off (they didn't make the projection opening large enough to account for different angles a driver might sit at or height. So it's not very crisp or consistently bright (i have it on the highest brightness setting). It's too bad also it doesn't have some auto-brightness sensor b/c at night it's super bright, but during the day it fades in an out a LOT so as to be barely seen a lot of times.
I like the idea of the HUD in theory, but I find I don't actually use it in practice. The high placement of the instruments, means glancing at the HUD display doesn't really seem to offer much advantage. You'd think the display of the Nav directions would be more useful, since otherwise you are glancing way down at the map, but again I don't find myself actually using it much. I should, since it is far easier to see what's expected (e.g., upcoming turn) on the HUD than on the busy often split screen map display. Perhaps the larger, color HUD shown here would help draw the eye better.