I was rear ended pretty bad in my new 2015 prius c4...The Service center called me today and said quote A lot of extensive damage....floorboard, lift gate, and rear body? Over 3k, will be a week to fix... I always thought if the floorboards were bent it was totaled .. Please help.. She only had 1700 miles on her.. i havnt even paid the first payment I am so pissed... I hired a lawyer... Should i be satisfied with the repair or should i have them replace the car... Sometimes life just sucks...
They won't replace the car unless you cough up the difference between what they could sell your car for versus a new car. If you drive it off the lot, it depreciates 20% immediately. And even then, you might as well sell it with an accident on its record and buy a new car because it will work out to be the same. As for it being totaled, all that means is that the cost to repair the car exceeds the value of the car. If the car is worth $12K and it costs $3K to fix, then it is not anywhere close to being totaled. If the car is worth $12K and it costs $11,999 to fix, it won't be totaled, it will be fixed. Hiring a lawyer, unless you are actually injured, is usually a waste of money. You pay your insurance company every month to be your lawyer in these events. Use them. This is why you have insurance. You may be able to get a depreciation award from the other party. Meaning your car is now worth $X less because the record shows 1 accident. I would pull some comparable private party sale values for low mileage 2015 Prius C4's with and without an accident. Print those out and keep them. When the lawsuit ends up in court 2 years from now, you'll need them.
Did you check out the body shop? Is there a warranty on the work? The other party should be responsible for the rental. You should be able to rent one from a Toyota dealer.
It does suck for something to happen like that, so new. That said: 3K and a week in the shop doesn't sound that bad. Any chance you can post a photo, to get a better idea of the scope of damage?
If it was me? I think I would pursue trying to get compensation for the depreciation your vehicle is going to suffer as a result of this accident. Then? Well, I'd let them fix it. A good quality body shop. I'm sure the damage was extensive from the short description given. But honestly 3K in body shop repair can be reached very quickly. I barely got a imprint of the offending vehicles licence plate when my 1 month old Honda Fit was rear ended, and just for the bumper repair, it was 1K. I'd let them fix it, then try to relax and enjoy the vehicle again. IF I started to have ANY problems or notice any sounds, I'd then consider trading it in. But it is possible they could fix it, and you are happy with it again. I'd pursue compensation for diminished value, and then give the repair process the "chance" to make you happy again. You can always nearly at any point decide to move on. You unfortunately can't undo what has happened. I know it sucks. As my Honda Fit was a just comfortable, 1 month old when it got hit. But sometimes when the dust settles it's not as bad as it seems.
Any reputable bodyshop on a major rear end collision is going to find out if the car is symetrical by measuring the cross points to gauge if the vehicle itself is still square. You can't tell that with photos or eyesight unless it was totally easily recognizable. If that was the case the car would be driving dog leg fashion and you would see four car tire treads if it drove over a wet patch on the road. A total usually takes place when the car itself is within the guidelines of the insurance company and the state: How Insurers Determine That a Car is a Totaled Car - CarsDirect
$3000 isn't really much. I hit a deer at less than 20 mph in my jeep Cherokee and had over $3700 in damage. Half if not more of the $3000 is labor cost.