Not sure if this is the right forum, but I need to share the new Toyota Prius ad that is embarrassingly Japanese... Toyota humanized each parts of new Prius into anime girls. Cannot believe Toyota did this.
I really liked this. I think if they did it in the US it would be much better than nice person face, even not understanding the japanese, all the features were fairly clear. They would need to cut out the e-four from a us internet ad, and maybe pay for animation, but good job toyota. They even made sure to only show side view, which is IMHO the best looking angle on the car. 7 sumo of safety that follows is pretty bad for my tastes, but its probably pretty fun for japanese.
Looks like a typical Japanese ad to me. I don't understand the "cannot believe Toyota did this". You don't think someone else in another part of the world said the same thing about our Gen 3 ads?
i hope this is the one they run during the Super Bowl. would love to hear national reaction. i think it says it all about gen4 styling.
Not surprised, considering they've even gone "kawaii" (cute in Japanese) for their military: Japan’s Cute Army - The New Yorker
How cool is that??? We need to send that unit to the sandbox immediately!! Imagine.... ISSIS taking casualties from an AH-64 all decked out in Anime. Best. Footage. Ever! As far as Prius ads? How can anybody in the US possibly be negatively surprised by ANYTHING that comes out of Aichi anymore?
RFOL - I just can believe Toyota did this! But now I'm hooked -- this has me looking forward to see the Special Edition "Hello Kitty" Prius!
This is like those pin up girls painted on World War I fighter planes and World War II Bombers with a japanese anime twist.
Camouflage is now only effective in a low tech military operations and boots-on-the-ground face-to-face military operations. Boots on the ground means the high likelihood of hand to hand combat, killing and maiming the old fashion way. A properly equipped drone can pin point an military objectives using camo and neutralize them. Any country with a geo synch satellites will know where every naval flag ship is in real time. More often than not modern weapon systems are aimed and fired out of visual range.