I have been looking at a 2008 Prius that was purchased in Calfornia & the owner moved to Oregon. I called Toyoya with the VIN number to confirm the warranty could be transferred to me. I was told yes & that the warranty was 10 years or 150,000 miles. A Dealer told me I would get that in writing from Toyota as all the Priues I've sold are 8 years or 100,000 miles. Any clarification would be appreciated. : ) Could you really sell Pruises in Oregon and not know this...?
I would never underestimate how little dealers knew about cars. The 2014 list of CARB States in the US | PriusChat My research indicates Oregon became a CARB state in 2009 so your 2008 would not be covered. "This division is in effect as of January 1, 2006 and applies to and establishes requirements for automobile manufacturers, Oregon motor vehicle dealers, and all 2009 and subsequent model year passenger cars, light-duty trucks, medium-duty vehicles, and medium-duty passenger vehicles registered, leased, rented, delivered for sale or sold in the State of Oregon," - Please Contact Us So the law became effective in 2006, but first applies to Model Year 2009 vehicles. Toyota COULD apply this to a 2008, but Oregon does not require this.
OR and CA both CARB, and both give extended batt warranty. OR is not full CARB, so other components might not be the same as CA. When in doubt always ask Toyota for ruling because we in the public are not experts on Toyota internal policy and exceptions if any. Its case by case.\\ Jimbo, car purchased in CA should be golden right? If was orig purchased in OR, you are correct. OP see also below...Toyota has a very complex policy so that's part of the problem. CARB Warranty Ins-and-Outs (and In-Out-Ins) | PriusChat