Hi all, recently I have been finding moisture where the windshield hits the dashboard. This is an occurrence that has never happened. Around October, a few days or week before it started I had changed the spark plugs. I removed the relay box but thats about it. Now this morning was 20* and there was frost on the inside. Anyone have a clue as to what I should be checking? Thanks Rob
Did you start the car? Did you notice any more condensation after the car started? If so, suspect a leaking heater core. I'm not sure if Toyota's pink SLL Coolant has the same odor as the old green ethylene glycol. I haven't noticed an odor in the Prius cooling system work I've done lately, so that might not be the give-away it used to be when heater cores leak. Most likely it's as noted above, latent moisture in the system from the day before.
You might have a cabin leak. Lots of posts about cracks in the hatch valley area leaking alot of water during rain. Pull the rear hatch apart and take out the spare tire and look for water in that area. Get a flashlight and look in the 12 volt battery well for standing water. Check the rear floorboards for wet carpet. Check front pass side floorboard carpet. Either cabin leak or clogged evap drain hose dumping condensate in the pass side floorboard.
No lingering moisture after I start car and defrost or wipe water. No smell either. Nothing wet in the car. Very strange.
I had checked the tire well and front mats. No water. Will check interior more thouroughly. Before freezing weather started I noticed water on exterior where the windshield and wipers meet kind of pooled. It seemed odd. Is it possible I clogged a drain
You have moisture in the car. Thats why its sweating. Yes the front windshield water dam is easy to clog. You have to keep the leaves out of that tray or it could clog. Then water will run down behind the dashboard or worse over the dam gasket and it will hit the top of the engine and get in the spark plug wells. Its a job to clean it out. Hopefully you keep after it. If you fill up the dam with a hose it should pour out behind both front wheels.
Thanks Ed, I will check that immediately after the car thaws out. It's under a foot of snow tonight☺️