Hello all, my gen 3 is nearing 120k, (119,xxx). any parts that I should have checked outside the norm. Debating about an extending warranty. I am going through the forums here and looks like theres a debate on the transaxle fluid. 2k miles left and then I'm thrown to the wolves! Any advice appreciated.
We are over 120k. When we passed 100k I spoke with the dealership Service manager. He says that he commonly sees Priuii with 200k and 300k+. 100K is not a big deal. Brakes may wear-out. Case seals go and need to be replaced, but the power train is solid. Do not sell or trade the vehicle. To me, the body is all plastic. Plastic ages. Wheel wells have popped loose. Rubber grommets that hold body panels together have aged and let go. At our 120k servicing I shifted to a local mechanic instead of the dealership. This guy also does a lot of bodywork. He 'stapled' many of the loose pieces of body work back together for me at no charge. I get phone calls 2 or 3 times every month, folks trying to sell me extended service insurance.
120k is still early to even be thinking about selling the vehicle. My Prius is at 100k soon and I've done all the required maintenance and its still running strong. My Prius gets 588 miles for a full tank of gas, as long as you keep up your maintenance, there isn't anything to worry about.
time to change all your fluids, spark plugs, maybe check some things like throttle body, pcv, egr and etc.