I just got a quote of $21500 OTD for a White 2015 Prius Two from local dealer in LA. Wondering if that is a good price or should I try with other dealers for a better price ...
It has been posted here, that they were getting $17,8xx/$17,9xx, plus tax title license. Nov/dec 2015. I have seen $20.5k OTD. That said, I think that is too much, especially since we are in 2016 now. iPhone ?
you may have missed the boat on good 2015 deals as supply dries up and only 2016 are on the lot dealers may not be as willing to go low on the 2015. I would get some more quotes from other dealers, as off a couple weeks ago you could still get something closer to $18K (before TTL) for the two though you mention white, which is like $400-500 more than the standard colors. Dealers with more stock of 15s might negotiate more.
I bought mine which is regular color for 20.2k OTD 3 months ago. They should have only gotten cheaper at this point.
Any1 who got a good price before mind sharing the contact info of your dealers? And again, thank you guys ! So I should be looking at 20k5-21k OTD at this point ?
Selling prices go up and down. There's a reason there is a Toyotathon in December. They want to move inventory before the end of the year. There should be no expectation that prices will fall after a sale has ended. Below market rates can be raised when the sales goal is reached. Toyota could increase or decrease the holdback to the dealer. When the dealer is willing to lower their selling price it may be because Toyota is making up the difference. Manufacturer's rebates can change at any time. If sales aren't high enough there could be a very short term "car show rebate" or "holiday weekend rebate". Bad weather could cause a rebate to be extended. If a rebate expires on Friday don't expect to get that same amount deducted on Saturday. There is always someone who paid more than you and someone who paid less. Do the best you can with the timing of the purchase and be happy with the car you bought at a fair price.
I was just looking at a very large l.a. dealer's website and they have 53 prius on the lot.. Should be able to make a very good deal. it's easier to compare prices before ttl.
Thanks everyone for your comments and advices. I finally purchased a White Toyota Prius Two yesterday for 21k2 OTD with the VIP Privilleges from a local dealer in Long Beach
According to their website, these benefits include free car wash, tires change, oil changes, flat tire repair ... for five years. Since the dealer is not too far from me, this can be considered as a plus