Hi everyone! I bought my 2004 Prius fully loaded with 9 miles on it, except for the leather seats. It has just turned 100,000 miles on it, but its been runing great. I just had new tires, new breaks, and new rear shocks put on. Unfortunately someone wasn't watching and now my car is totalled. It was a small parking lot accident but it damaged an interior part. For about $300 I can get it back up to where it was. Or I can use the $6,700 to buy a new Prius. I haven't been keeping up with the newer models, but it doesn't look like the newer models are that much better in terms of new features. Sure its newer, but for $350 I can keep my car for another 5+ years (hopefully). So is there anything in the newer models that's a "gotta have"? Thanks for any ideas. I need to decide on Monday.
I would take the money and move on to a used gen3 mostly because your 2004 is out of warranty with the expensive hybrid components . You should be able to find a good deal on a used gen3 with the low fuel prices and gen4 release. You may even still find a heavily discounted new 2015 gen3 in your area (assuming its in your budget)
I looked at them, and I saw the same mpg, with less features for $10k more. Its a bit hard to swallow just for something newer with a little less millage. Is there something about the gen3 that I'm missing?
I just upgraded from a gen 2 that I had been driving for 9 years to a gen 3. Aside from some upgrades (sunroof, heated seats, streaming) that my g2 didn't have it is pretty much the same car. If I were you I'd fix it and keep driving.
welcome! i would trade for the newer tech, better mpg's, warranty and reliability, more comfortable seats, better info screens, quieter ride, better handling, and the list goes on and on. take one for a test drive, it's the only way you'll know. all the best with your decision! btw, merged, how can $300. repair a car that has been totaled?
Tough call...if you are inclined to a Plug_in_Prius you might get a 2013 for dare I say as low as $16k
The Gen 2 is my personal favorite--I would keep it. Chances are it will be much less financially-intensive (especially if the repairs are that inexpensive). The Gen III and Gen IV don't do much for me, personally, but I'm quite in love with the Gen 2.
The $300 is the money from the insurance minus the cost for repairs. I actually have a 2015 prius as a rental car I've been driving around. So I have a good idea how it feels. It drives about the same. Which is why I'm wondering what I am missing with 10 years to improve the technology. New car is probably not going to happen with the wife.....
I am seeing 2012 prius plug in with average miles down to $13,xxx now. So 2013 PIP at $16 should be easy to find. Funny how these PIP keep taking a dump in price. iPhone ?
I would personally keep the Gen 2, and save that extra money you would have spent on an upgrade towards future repairs on your 2004. If you are resourceful, future repairs such as an inverter or even a transmission shouldn't be exorbitantly expensive to replace (since used parts are plentiful). Of course, if your HV battery is original, that repair is looming for you as well, but I would probably still keep the old one if you really like it still. This is of course, assuming that you have cash on hand to upgrade to a newer car instead of financing. I am one of those No Debt type guys that pays cash for cars, so my view might be skewed here.
Depends. You mention "an interior part" was damaged. What was damaged, and what is the estimate to repair it?
I wouldn't worry about the HV battery. I imagine failure rates on those are around, ~5-6% now. I'd just do the damage remedies and keep on rollin'!
All great information! What about value of the car since it was totalled but fixed? Would that change the value?
yes. a car with a salvage title is of very little value on the market, because there's no way to know how much damage was done, and there are a lot of scam artists buying and selling them. take your wife for a drive in a 2016, i think she'll like it. now you'll see a real difference.
I just picked up a Gen 2 after having owned a Gen 3 for 3 years. To me, it's not even close. The Gen 2 is crude and archaic in comparison. I'd spend the extra money on a Gen 3. I picked up the Gen 2 because it was a hand me down from my brother at a big family discount. Gen 3 is faster, quieter, better handling and gets better fuel economy to boot. But you notice no big improvememts so no need to upgrade to the Gen 3 right? 1. You can get a decent 2009 used for $6700 + $300 = $7000. 5 years newer means more reliable. 2. This is just math. If $7000 will buy you a decent used 2008 or 2009, why would anyone buy a 2004 for $7000 that was involved in an accident that totaled it? 100k are low miles but it was totaled.
IMHO, if you decide to repair and keep the Gen2, it should be done with the intent of driving it to its grave. It will have dramatically lower market value, and you should expect significant maintenance costs in the second 100K (hybrid battery most likely).