Has anyone experience with using a sticker that was originally purchased for another Prius (lets say you get one from another person who doesn't use them because they are ugly..) ? Is that illegal ? I don't want to risk a ticket ....
I'm pretty sure the HOV stickers are tied in to the VIN and license plate # of the vehicle itself. So long as you let the DMV know of the change of ownership, you should be able to use the stickers with no problem. Did the prior owner also give you the HOV sticker paperwork with the certificate #??
ur suppose 2 carry this big white paper, that shows ur model, year, and licence plate number, forgot if theres vin number on it, but i definitely fill it out when applyin for one
The stickers are tied to the VIN number of your car. You are required to keep the white card that comes with the stickers in your car and "present it to any peace office upon demand".