This is the version that is bundled with Windows 7. For every free space you are allowed to move one card, either from stack to stack, or up to the aces. The free spaces can be either a cleared out column, or one of the 4 "cell" spaces, above the stacks on the left side. In the above "before" game I'm playing there's 2 free spaces. So if I attempted to do the indicated stack move one card at a time, I think I'd only be able to move 3 cards, not enough to the indicated shift. But when I grab the whole bundle, the program does allow me to make the move. Think it's a bug: Not complaining, but don't think it should be possible to do what I just did above. I tried contacting the makers, following the game's "about" info, but they were pretty clueless, likely just inherited the software from the actual designers, back in time. Anyone see something I'm missing, a reason it would be possible to move so many.
It's working as intended. The 9 and 8 get moved to the end space using the cell, forming a new column. The 10 to the cell, and then the Jack to the Queen. Older versions of the game had you do all that on your own, now it just does it for you.
It's not a bug, it's a feature. Freecell's more fun that Sudoku. Have some coffee, go for a walk, and try again.
I get the first one but a day later I still don't see how the second one works despite what trollbait said.
If you first move the 8&7 over to the empty column, then you can still move 9&10. I'm not 100% convinced tho, I'll find one yet. And Trollbait will shoot it down again, no doubt.
My wife is a Sudoku fiend. She's finished quite a few of the books, but has now found an on line version that she really likes: Web Sudoku - Billions of Free Sudoku Puzzles to Play Online
Hmmm, I just realized I don't know how to play this game and was applying spider solitaire rules. Loading up free cell now.