2009 Prius, ~97K miles, well maintained, bought it new. While on the freeway, it sounded and felt like I hit a golfball sized rock (I didn't), the red triangle appeared, I pulled off and saw lots and lots of oil running out. Yikes. Got towed to a Toyota dealer and they said my engine was cracked and I need a new engine or a new car! Seems crazy this would happen to a 6 year old engine!!? My bad luck? Advice?
Bad luck, unless you allowed the engine oil level to drop below the lower dimple on the dipstick - in which case this was due to owner abuse. Have an independent mechanic install a used engine from a wrecked 2007 - 2009 Prius with a low odometer reading. That might cost you ~$2,500.
No, there was plenty of oil, checked it just last week. And all maintenance has been done by Toyota (I'm so not a DIYer) In your experience, is it worth going back to the dealer where I bought it to say: "help me out here, this shouldn't happen" Thanks Patrick!
Yes. Since you've relied upon dealer service and the car therefore has a complete service history, you could ask the dealer's service manager for help. If you don't receive a positive response, contact the Toyota Customer Experience Center for assistance.
hi! the dealer sent me to Toyota Customer Experience Center, good experience so far! Question: they are recommending buying a "remanufactured engine" which she said is a brand new engine on the inside, but the "casing" is not new. And the warranty is for 1 year. Any information on exactly what this "remanufactured engine" is? If it's new on the inside, is it logical to have only 1 year warranty? Thanks you smart car people!!
since it isn't new altogether, and toyota parts are mostly 1 year warranty, it makes sense. they wouldn't build a product that wouldn't last, on average. are they offering for free?
It's pretty much what the dealer said. They send the engine block to a machine shop, where cylinders are honed, specs are checked, everything is cleaned and made like new again.
Thanks! Sounds like a good solution to go w the remanufactured engine!? They are not offering for free, maybe ~50%, still negotiating.
My point - I didn't know a machine shop could make a cracked block "like new again". Sounded weird to me.
Probably a used engine block, sent to a machine shop to ensure heads are true, then reassembled using new components.
Since you are in CA, it should be very easy to find a used engine locally from a crashed prius, that is the route I would go. I don't see this coming out for less than $5K at the dealer, even for a re-manufactured engine. A junkyard engine and a non-dealer installation could be around 2 grand.
Who is selling the rebuilt engine? In my experience a rebuilt engine will last a few years before you're back in the shop again. Run the car until the warranty expires then trade in.
They will not use your block. If your block is cracked its scrap metal. The blocks for reman engines are usually acquired from total loss wrecks with rear end damage.
My 06' motor cracked a week before Christmas! Sure enough, on the bottom 6" from the oil pan. Scrap yard motor $750.