how can I unsure someone won't drive off with car when I start up to warm it? I mean I can't lock the door with it running. Not going to install a remote start (if that's even work) Wish it would not drive when put into gear to ward off thief, without key fob. Is there a solution? 2015 regular Prius.
lock it with the mechanical key in the fob, take the fob with you. test it by leaving the fob in the house and gripping the handle to make sure it doesn't unlock.
What locale are you, where in the world? A couple of lateral suggestions: 1. Is there a garage available, except filled with stuff? If you can garage store the car it really helps, if the main reason for extended warm-up is to clear frost off the windows. 2. Look into getting the block heater. If you can manage the first, it completely negates the main reason for extended warm-up. If you do the second, even better. Merged Yes you do, there's a mechanical key hidden in the fob. Press little latch on side while pulling on the ring. Check Owner's Manual for more info.
Bah....just get the remote start. Toyota's works seamlessly, and it's a lot easier than going out, starting up, then locking the door manually to rush back inside.
In my experience, the car warms up quicker if you start driving immediately. That can also give you better gas mileage.
This has been my experience as well. Also make sure to block your grill with the styrofoam pipe insulator things. It really seems to help retain / maintain heat and reduce warmup times... But I can fully relate to how there can be brutally cold days where it's nice to get into a warmed up car.. I'd say just do it if it's that cold out...
Here is how I keep anyone from driving off in my Enzo while its warming up, I toss the tragically named Cinnamon in.......
I don't think leaving a vehicle running unattended is ever really a very good idea. I vote for just get in it and drive. If you don't have a remote start installed, that means you have to get up and go get in it to start it anyway. At that point? Cold or not, why not just start driving? Being cold while going out to the vehicle to start it. Being cold while walking back. The advantage, if any, seems incredibly negligible.
There's a dismaying number of folks with a car sitting in a driveway or on the street, and a garage full of junk. Getting the junk out and the car in deals with the main excuse: iced windshields.
If instant gratification is what you are looking for, a block heater is the answer. Warming up your car with the ICE idling will net you the poorest fuel economy on average.
The block heater is not quite "instant gratification", but it definitely accelerates warm up: in most scenarios it'll raise the car's engine coolant around 20C above ambient, with a couple of hours use.
Here you go: IMG_3257 by FroggyTaco posted Jan 10, 2016 at 1:23 PM IMG_3258 by FroggyTaco posted Jan 10, 2016 at 1:22 PM IMG_3261 by FroggyTaco posted Jan 10, 2016 at 1:21 PM
We both stop to pee there on the way to the coast for fishing charters, usually passing thru 'round 0430. It's in a Redwood grove on the Smith River.
I warm up the car until the engine shuts off sitting in it...unless I have to shovel, brush and scrape. Then it definitely feels warmer inside.