Honda: we won't be able to sell gas-only engines in China by 2025 In an interview with Wards Auto, Honda's chief technology strategy officer Keiji Ohtsu predicted that by 2025, Honda wouldn't be selling any cars with traditional internal combustion engines in the world's most populous country. "In 2025, we don't expect to be able to sell conventional internal-combustion engines [in China]," Ohtsu said, "meaning we will be selling mostly hybrids including plug-in types."
Here we go ... Indian capital starts limiting cars for 2 weeks to clear air | Fox News New Delhi is testing a formula where private cars will be allowed on the roads only on alternate days from Jan. 1-15, depending on whether their license plates end in an even or an odd number.
I don't follow the Honda logic...if dirty cars is issue China can move to USA/CARB standards. Sounds a little more like Honda CEO trying to get his work force more plug-in orientated by making some policy assumptions. But I do think this is an exciting era for vehicle development which I support including H2 FCEV I am not picking politically correct answers.. Anyone been over in that part of world knows you got scooters taking over the road, or whatever they call em.
In a large country like china or the US 10,000 psi hydrogen infrastructure is very very expensive, hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars. The GDP in china is only about 2/3 the GDP in the US, and without natural gas resources Hydrogen infrastructure would be much more expensive and probably fueled by coal which has its own problems. China's government is not swayed by lobbying from Japanese companies who are doing most of the H2 lobbying today, in fact the government moves from thinking Japanese imports are ok, to being very much against them. There is no future for hydrogen consumer vehicles in china until proved somewhere else and that appears decades away. The most likely spot for proof is Japan, again, the invader of china in world war II, and bad feelings are strong. Raising standards for pollution might help, but it would hurt chinese car companies more than foreign ones, and chinese government like the Japanese government bends over backwards for their domestic companies. The bans also decrease traffic, and push the new oil lowering plug-ins and hybrids. I think the chinese are much more likely to enforce a efficiency of oil requirement than the US. The chinese car market is now the largest in the world, it passed the US. GM and VW make a good deal of their profits selling cars in china. I think any car company is going to take that seriously. It is not a closed market like Japan, so Honda will have to modify for Chinese tastes and bow to the chinese government if they want a share of that profit.
...I am saying, the article does not say China is blocking ICE-only sales after 2025...instead the article seems to say Honda's CTO is making that assumption...and you know what they say about assumptions
I don't think china will block sales of them, but I think the CTO is right, if its not at least a hybrid or plug-in there will be a big tarrif making them not buy imports made in Japan. They may still buy bmw's and mercedes for the cache, but those two luxury makes are adding plug options to all those expensive cars they sell in china. I expect only domestically produced gasoline models will sell in china in 2025, and I seriously doubt they will take japanese produced fuel cell vehicles in more than a token number.