model City Comb Hwy Volume 1 2016 Prius eco 58 56 53 120 ft{3} 2 2016 Prius 54 52 50 118 ft{3} 3 2016 Prius c 53 50 46 104 ft{3} 4 2015 Prius 51 50 48 116 ft{3} 5 2016 Prius v 44 42 40 131 ft{3} 2016 Prius Eco highest MPG and 120/131 ~= 91.5% of Prius v cargo I see the Prius Eco impacting Prius c sales but also shaving a little off the Prius v because of the increased volume. Bob Wilson
Honestly I never got the v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) too much, the trunk is 50% bigger but everything else about the car is inferior or the same as a normal prius. I guess letting you slide the seat got you a little more rear passenger leg space but the price and MPG hit hardly seemed worth it. I hope the next gen v makes a lot of improvements and maybe we'll get a 3rd row in the US which would make it worth considering.
@luckyboy Yes, it seems too close to a regular Prius. Lot of Prius v cabs up here, due to the cargo increase, and I don't think they're obsessive about mpg, lol. @bwilson4web I wonder about the ECO, wouldn't be surprised if supply, and sales, languish. The sceptic in me wonders about this car, if it's some sort of sacrificial lamb, purely to achieve some mpg promise. And how is it achieved?
Does the eco really have 2cu ft more space than the standard 2016? I guess that is due to increased trunk space of no spare and Li battery?
I don't see the new Prius w/o spare winning out to the v because of the near cargo space. The shape of the space is as important as how much, and the v simply has the more usable shape. The kammback saves gas, but can make loading bulky stuff tricky.
why it seems to me like the delta between the 2015 Prius and the 2016 regular model is really minor and lame from the table? (like 2-3mpg more...?) Is that a significant increase? it doesn'T seem to me. Weird - shouldn't it be a 20% delta? (I have to admit I didn't run the numbers).
It is not just mileage but the whole car that is being bought. Better crash protection and interior electronics come to mind. In our case, both the 03 and 10 Prius get 52 MPG but one does it 5 mph faster. That is the one that goes on cross country trips. Bob Wilson
I would really like to see someone fitting 90% of what I do in my v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) in a regular Prius
I understand wanting a couple More mpg, but... Lol. Until you blow out a tire and have to camp out on the side of the highway awaiting a tow. OR you are getting tailgated by a huge semi on a humid or a snowy day and you rear window is all fogged up and you need the rear wiper to help see what's going on..... And you can't since the rear window is all fogged up or has a layer of snow........Danger! Danger!
Within a year, the 'donut' spare was replace on the 03 and 10 with a full-size spare. When buying the replacement tires, I also bought an OEM wheel and had the best put on the 5th rim. Bob Wilson
Bob Will you be doing the same when you get the Eco? Where do you put the full size spare? Does it fit where the old "donut" went?
The 2016 manual shows a configuration that has a full size spare. It goes in the same location as the donut but the insert around it is different and the floor opening is different. Hopefully it will be possible to get this factory made arrangement.
Well, my relative has one and since he has quite a large family 7 seats is nice, and usable storage space is almost 2x than the normal Prius. He does get about 0.7l/100km higher consumption but oh well, cant have everything. And yeah, it's quite a different driving experience, except for drivetrain those two dont have much in common.
In the last week I've had in my v: - a 6' Xmas tree I was taking to recycling - a large desk chair I was retrieving from the upholstery shop - $450 of Costco buys from 50 miles away so lots was in large Styrofoam boxes and bulk buys - 5 bags of trash plus a box of newspaper and a box of recyclables to the recycling center and I "only" got 42.9MPG in very mixed weather and driving. I bought for utility as much as reliability and economy. Son has a hatchback with 120k miles on it for his 40 mile commute. He could get by with a C. They also have a Sienna for when he, his wife, three kids, MIL, au pair, several bikes and Xmas presents all are needed in one load. And for the bulky loads. 3 different cars, different strengths.
I can't fit anything in the trunk of my wife's v... Too many "thirty one" bags filled with God knows what. Lol.