Guys, I'm having an issue with my 05 Prius. I'm getting codes C1310, U0073, U0123, U0124, U0126, U0121, P3102 after about 20-30 minutes of driving.The car seems to drive okay and if I come back home and park the car, clear the codes, I get another 20-30 mintues of driving before it happens again. There doesn't seem to be any particular situation that causes the codes, just time. I'm thinking that i's probably the skid control computer. It's the only thing common to all the codes. I've check the ground points for the ECU and they're all good. I've located a salvage skid control ECU but the numbers on the box are different. Have a look here The salvage yard does not allow return ECU's so I'd like to confirm that the replacement is compatible before I buy it. Also if you disagree with my diagnosis, if you could let me know. That'd be great. Thanks, --Drew
Try this website for looking up part numbers. Genuine Toyota Parts - Cheap Toyota Parts Store - Factory Parts I could not find a direct match for either of your ECU's . They do seem to be in the right range. I have replaced three Skid Control ECU's. The codes I saw on one were very similar to what you have. I think you are on the right track.
I'm in Australia. The numbers might be RHD unique numbers? Have you replaced the ECU's with other ECU's that don't match numbers exactly? I'm pretty sure it's the right hardware, it's just the software that might be slightly different...
Here is number five I just tested today. I will be replacing this one on Friday. Another website to try is Auto Parts Market It's a data base of US junkyards. I realize you do not want to buy from the US. The site lists 2005 to 2009 as interchangeable. 2004 part numbers ends 47060 and is not interchangeable with the other years. 2005 part # ends 47080. 2006 part number ends 47100. You can enter your VIN on that site to select parts that are supposed to fit your car. Tomorrow I will check the part numbers of my bad ECU's. I have mixed ECU's from 2005 and 2006 and they work fine. I do not remember the part numbers. Brad
The website you gave me didn't like my VIN number. It must reject foreign numbers I'd say. I had a look on and my VIN number says my car is NHW20R-AHEEBQ and when I look at the page for ABS/VSC ( it gives me the 89540-47090 which is the same as the salvage computer that I found for sale. I'm going to go pick that up today. Hopefully it resolves my problem. I've read a process for re-calibrating the new ECU by shorting pins on the OBD connector. I have a generic CREADER scan tool so I can't do the re-calibration from that. I also have a USB ELM327, is there some software I can use with that or should I just to the pin 4-12 short method? Thanks for your help Brad --Drew
I use a Mini VCI with Techstream so I am not familiar with the shorting pin method. Techstream walks you through the process. Steps are Pedal Stroke Zero Point Calibration, clear stored value of initialization of linear solenoid value and calibration, and then perform initialization of linear solenoid value and calibration. I wondered if VIN's were standardized worldwide. I guess they are not. On left hand drive US models the Skid Control ECU is located above the gas pedal next to the steering column. Is it on the left side in right hand drive cars? A change of location could explain the different part numbers. The mounting brackets could be different. Brad
It's located in the same position on the other side of the car. So it's next to the steering column above the accelerator pedal. I ordered a Mini VCI. It's supposedly genuine. Promotion 100% Original XHORSE MVCI 3 IN 1 TIS V10.10.018 Free shipping 3 Years Warranty For Honda V2.018 For Volvo 2010a-in Diagnostic Tools from Automobiles & Motorcycles on | Alibaba Group I paid extra for express shipping so hopefully it arrives sooner rather than later.