I'm a delivery driver for a national pizza chain and recently bought a 2010 Prius III, not three, with 72,000 miles. I drive an average of 50 miles a day, for 5 hours on short trips from 3-11 miles. Winter temps came before my first full tank needed more gas, but I'm averaging 45 mpg. Does anyone have experience driving their Prius delivering pizza? Any tips from similar usage would be appreciated.
Cool! Have you considered installing a pizza warming oven in the side, like the Dominoes delivery vehicles?
Pizza driver reporting in! I've got an '04 with 161k miles on her. It's been the most reliable car I've ever owned, hands down. Had to do the back brakes, coolant control valve, and two blown front speakers. Uses a little oil, a quart every 2k about. All and all pretty fantastic considering the abuse that she goes through, ie; getting air time over speed bumps, constant jack rabbit starts, been hit by a couple of cars, and two many curbs to count. I'm confident I'll get to 200k miles, a feat I've not attained with any other cars that were used for deliveries. I've been spoiled with the smart key system! Carrying a load of pies and pop and never having to fumble around for your keys. I really doubt I could go back to a non smart key system again. It saves me seconds every delivery. In the gen 2 the cup holders on the arm rest are perfect for putting your cell phone and debit machine in. Also, the car is great for getting in and out of. Looks like the gen4 is going to be a couple of inches lower, ugh. It's safer than any econo car. To top it off I use the back for hauling firewood and small appliances! You can even sleep in it... Overall one of the best cars for delivering pizza. Some other good cars would be a Toyota Echo, IQ, Corolla, Mazda Protege, Honda Civic, Mitsubishi Mirage... As far as tips for usage.. Check the oil every fill up. I use either Redline or Amsoil oil with a Fram Ultra filter and a filtermag magnet. Change your tranny fluid regularly. I do mine every 30k miles. Clean the hybrid battery fan in the back. Watch out for other delivery drivers at the shop, they'll be envious your driving a fuel efficient Prius, and they'll try to get you to do the long runs! They'll say it's no fair, too bad for them, they can get one to! My average fuel cost per delivery is about fifty cents, that includes doubles and triples runs, but gas is more up here. On one of my deliveries the first week I had the car, I had to park in front of a house with no driveway. Put on my blinkers and parked in the bicycle lane, (I know, a big no no!) for only a half a minute. Sure enough a group of five cyclists come through. I wave my hands in apology, yelling out sorry. Then a young lady yells out.... It's Okay... It's a Prius!! Lol.... I've gotten many compliments from customers for my choice in driving a hybrid. All the best to you and many happy deliveries! Best delivery vehicle for Pizza Man? | PriusChat
have been delivering food (a decent portion of which is pizza) .. yeah night time is no fun in an unfamiliar apartment complex .. (I dont see the nose of the car so curbs are not usually friendly ..) it is a real pain with the key .. mine does have smart key but the 'immobilizer' has not yet been re programmed because i had to get new phobes years ago and never got around or succeeded in doing it .. My car doesnt use that kind of oil .. prob. because it doesnt have the original engine in it but one with about 40k miles less on the clock. I have had an echo before and it would be a good candidate for deleviry esp. since it has alot more pickup than a aprius and is only 2000 pounds .. actually gets the same 50 mpg ..(with manual tranny, without a/c or power steering). ave delivery is about 10-15 to get to food sometimes 5 min wait for it to be ready (which I less and less weight for) and about 10-15 (sometimes 20) to get to destination .. that prob. does add up to 50 cents in gas .. gas was near $2/gal so it for sure was less(than 50c /delivery) .. now approaching $3 so sounds about on par .. It's kinda fun finding the places u havent been to before .. traffic rush hour not so much .. you def. get to learn the ins and outs of food type prep. time .. for ex. how long wings take to cook or how fast the mcd's drivethrough can be ... (or can't be depending on location, management and crew working- (and equipment that may not be working there) ...
where I am in Commiefornia, the local am/pms around are $3.55. The top tiers are $4.09, the previous governor’s gas tax hike is right around the corner so the additional tax will continue to “fund road repairs.”
i guess that's why so many r leaving cali .. sick of the politrix ... gov and the rest of the gaggle ... if the state split into 3 north south and central .. the people would be better served .. just like ny .. if it split into 'nyc ' and 'upstate ny' the people would be better served ...