i have a 2010 with 182k miles. The vehicle will jerk like the drive is engaging and disengaging several times (repeatively) when going down hill. It doesn't matter how fast, but I notice it does depend on the ECO indicator. The ECO gage always indicates above the mid mark but ranges between no more than quarter to an inch and quarter above. If I speed up it stops and if I slow down below the mid line it will stop. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Sounds like something's up. This behaviour is new, different than before? No warning lights? Maybe a test drive with a dealership mechanic? Something happening in the transaxle? Maybe just cus I need some coffee, but I'm befuddled by the last few sentences of your description. I think there's something to be gleaned, just not getting it, lol.
The battery is charged during the vibrations. And yes the picture above is the ECO indicator I am referring too. I took it to the dealer and the response was engine was low on oil but the electronics tester did not indicate anything. The vehicle was due for an oil change anyway. The dealership said something about low oil would effect the cam shaft so they only focused on that and completed the oil change and recommended to change the oil again about 1,000 miles. It feels more in the drive train area to me. I can generate a similar feeling while running 50 plus mph by fluttering the gas peddle, but it is not the same vibration. Thanks for everyone's response.
If it's ongoing I'd try another dealership. Service writers are a mixed bunch, and it seems like they were stumped, and just did an oil change. Again: There's no warning lights? This behaviour is new, the car didn't used to do this?
No, no warning lights. The problem just started or I just notice the problem lately. This dealer is the only dealer within 50 miles.
That's the part of your post that befuddles me, because it seems inconsistent with the rest, and the title. Putting the Hybrid System Indicator that far above the mid-mark would normally lead to acceleration on level, and more so on a downhill.
it's always a good idea to check your oil level on a consistent basis. every phillup is a good policy.
The most noticeable jerking will start when the vehicle is on cruse control going on a slow down hill and the indicator drops into range of "from inch and a half down to half an inch above the mid mark" unless I increase the speed or disengage the cruse control to stop the jerking. It will also sometimes jerk when I am peddling it and it reaches or falls down into that range. Thank you for your time in this matter.
okay, that sounds like the engine kicking in and out. cruise will do that to you in certain situations.
Just another possibility - it could be one of your coil packs starting to go bad. I would take it to a shop and see if they can pull any codes. I had the same "scenario" with my 2010 (cutting in/out going downhill). It was No. 1 coil pack.
The dealer seems to have found the problem. The vehicle is working properly now. This is what they did: "We have performed the diagnosis and inspection on your 2010 Prius and have determined that the cause is a restriction in the intake manifold creating a misfire on the #4 cylinder. Also the EGR valve is not functioning upon command indicating an internal flow issue. The repair measure would consist of replacing the intake manifold and the EGR valve." Just posting in case it might help someone else