Source: 2016 Toyota Mirai Fuel Cell Sedan Production Information | Toyota What I found interesting: 151 HP - max power 5 kg (~11 lbs) - hydrogen storage mass 192.9 lbs - hydrogen tank weight . . . ~95% of the fuel and tank weight I'll have to stop here . . . some of the other specs, curb weight, seating, and coefficient of drag. Is this the new standard body???? Bob Wilson
Sad passenger and cargo volume are still not public. Perhaps toyota is thinking of changing the mirai interior? They've been leasing this thing So I don't understand why this stuff is stil secret. No this is not the new platform. The gen IV prius is the fist toyota car on the TNGV. Since the mirai is older it is on an old platform. The gen IV prius did gets some styling from the mirai, but IMHO these are uglification instead of driving more mirai or prii sales. The camry and corolla built in the US will eventually be on tgna. The mirai has no plans to be produced anywhere but Japan. That is one reason the Japanese government is funding it so heavily, export jobs for japan.
I think Mirai is based on the same platform as Lexus HS250h. I was never a fan of it as it was very heavy or such a small car. Gen2 Mirai based on TGNA should be much better.
yeah i'm sure the next H2 thing is always going to be much better. just be sure to buy this one though.
It is always good to have choices. I have already invested in 7.8kW PV system for my home and car that should last for at least 20 years. It is unlikely, I will get Mirai 2 but it will depend on many factors. Who knows, maybe we may end up with both PiP2 and Mirai2.
Do you really think you will have hydrogen infrastructure where you drive in the next decade, or are you planning to move to LA or tokyo?
We know there will be 12 stations in 2016 or 2017. By 2020, there are many more FCVs launching from Honda, GM, BMW, Audi, Lexus, etc. H2 stations should expand quickly thereafter. Like I said, it depends on many things. Infrastructure is a big one and how dense it is in my area.
During the period at which that was announced, it was also promised that there would be more hydrogen stations operating in California by this time than there actually is now.
Two separate companies are working on different coasts. You can't assume Air Liquide would not deliver the H2 stations on schedule.
+1 Its the chicken and egg probelm. The government needs to pay for the chicken and the eggs if their is going to be hydrogen somewhere ;-) Certainly there does not appear to be private enterprise wanting to build unsubsidiezed stations or unsubsidized cars. Toyota plans on 1000 2016my mirai in california. They say 2000 between the end of 2016 my and jan 1, 2018, but no comittment to any sales or leases in the US east coat. Perhpas they have a government deal. Air Liquide is behind schedule in europe. I don't see any firm dates, funding, or locations for this super hydrogen highway on the east coast. I see 2 public stations one in Connecticut, one in Massachusetts, and two private stations one in new york state and one in Pennsylvanian. I doubt many of those 2000 promised vehicles for the US will make it to the east coast other than as demos that are not sold or leased. Air liquid claims 60 hydrogen pumps have been installed, but this includes sites like the British Columbia bus depot that has been decommissioned. At least this company has built some private hydrogen stations before, unlike first element that was formed by 2 guys with no fuel station experience to take advantage of the California funding. The current air liquide private station in New York is in ardsley that was set up for GM to test their fuel cell vehicles. I had to look it up, it appears close to Yonkers near both the Connecticut and new jersey borders. Perhaps toyota is paying them to add Toyota vehicles to this private station.