Although I'm most likely to drive the Pri if I need to get somewhere, I still have this thing tied to my heartstrings. It's a 1985 Toyota drying rack....err...4runner that's been with me some 17 years. We've gotten to know each other pretty well and been on lots of adventures. It's changed form quite a bit over the years, and it doesn't venture out as far as it used to, but it does nicely with its responsibilities here (plowing snow, brush-cutting, trailer-toting and roadside assistance) and I dread the day I have to part with it. There were times I thought I wouldn't be able to get the electrical gremlins sorted out but with enough tinkering, working solutions have always been found. It's never completely stranded me (although I did once choose to hitch a ride back with someone else due to the amount of oil leaking from a bad seal). It's a (somewhat exhausting) joy to drive, and I find it makes a perfect, quirky companion to the faultlessly-reliable 2nd-gen Pri. Does anyone else have an extraneous, vehicular attachment?
Nice..... Here's my hobby car. A 1988 Fiero GT that I bought used (22,000 miles) back in 1988. She was stock when I got her, but she just keeps looking better.
Yes. You can see the Prius reflection in the door. This is fun to drive, so is the Prius but in a different way.
Here's mine, 92 LS 400, have had her forever and will never part with her......been taking her to shows and auto events last few years, enjoying her more now then I did years ago.....
Wow--nice selection, from interesting niches of automotive history. The Fiero is barely recognizable, That looks like quite the Bavarian curve carver, very nice early Bronc', and a stately-looking LS. I still remember the splash the LS400 and ES300 made when they arrived. And, it looks like Bill the Engineer definitely qualifies too. I think the thread could use some more ugly though to help balance out the gloss...
1970 Triumph GT6+....Tiny cockpit that gets hotter than hell, loves to rust, plagued with "British" electrical issues, requires constant maintenance and only gets around 20 mpg...but I love it!
I have the below postcard of a 1969 that I picked-up at a car show years ago. Send me a message if you are interested. Bill the Engineer
Had a 1972 mazda pickup truck about 15 years ago. Went up in flames when I started it one day! It was a great goin fishin need to pick up junk yard car parts kinda truck. Never found out what cause the fire. Miss it like hell.
1985 Toyota pickup. 22RE 5sp with 5.29 gears and a rear electric locking diff. I call it a "hobby car", but my wife prefers the term "addiction". Also have a 1985 Supra, but it needs an engine I like your drying rack, tanglefoot.
Nice collection of '85 Yoats, msw. Are you using a Toyota E-locker? With a black, '85 X-Cab, have you considered taking it the direction of a certain movie car? You're already most of the way there.
Entire rear axle is from a 2001 Tacoma (e-locker and ~7inches wider) wired to a factory locker switch using a custom made DPDT relay and circuit. As far as a certain movie car, it was as close as it ever will be when I bought it: And the Supra has a similar '80s look, but much cheaper and more reliable than a Delorean.
That was my toy in high school 1972 MGB-GT Ok so nobody laugh this is my play toy it needs paint but it is fun 1972 VW Bug Limo