I've narrowed down some used options in hopes of scoring a good deal on a Prius with it being the end of the year and also a transition point to the generation 4. Any thoughts on: 2013 plug in Prius for $15k with 30k miles. I walk to work m-f and usually don't drive more than 10 miles daily during the week. Also...I have free charging at my apartment. 2014 Prius 2 with 12k miles for $16500. I like the Bluetooth and some of the plug in's options (heated seats too, I'm in MA), but the lower mileage option is really tempting. I'd like to drive the car as long as possible. Are better deals to be had? I can also do $20500 for a brand new Prius 3 but honestly don't want to spend the extra 3-5k. Thanks for the input!
May be plug in deal is better, but if no commute there not much you can take from this car. What is your annual milage?
welcome! the pip is an amazing deal! 30,000 miles is nothing. the package II is not that much cheaper than a brand new 2015. with 10 miles a day and free charging, it's a no brainer. all the best!
I drive a lot on weekends so still average 10-12k miles per year. Leaning towards the pip but the lower mileage vehicle is so tempting. With luck I'll drive either for 10+ years. Thanks!
All the choices look good. Don't be $ oriented. Buy what you like and forget everything else. It's a new year. Have a good one!
The pip is the absolute best deal for you since you do 10 miles weekday, 5 days a week. Essentially you are not going to use any gas with free electricity. Only time you will use gas is the week end You will save substantially more money in the long run. iPhone ?
The PIP deal sounds great and a good fit for your situation. I would do that and like bisco said 30K miles is nothing. Especially with how little you say you are driving it. You might become one of those tank of gas every few months drivers.
Thanks for the opinions! 56 mpg driving back from the dealership. Now to read through all the resources here to keep the car running as long as possible.
Good choice and philosophy.That's the same year I have. Just returned from visiting folks on the other side of town. ~ 60 miles. Average for trip 100 mpg.