After reading up on the different sources of repair and body info, I decided on alldatadiy. I was going to sign up for the 1 year, for about $26. I came to where I could enter a discount code. Hmmm... I googled "discount code" for alldatadiy, and walah! For $12.95 I received 2 years of coverage. I like that. (BTW, I am in no way associated with alldata.)
I just signed up for 5 years on my 2008 Prius and a 2001 Cadillac Eldorado. I will be replacing my Radiator, Hoses, Water Pump, Water Pump Housing etc. on my 2001 Cadillac Eldorado. I went to their Radiator page and was very disappointed. There are many steps missing here for what needs to be removed before even trying to remove the radiator. There is NOTHING mentioned about the AC Condenser attached to the front of the radiator. Parts list are also lacking for all the various hoses that make up the complete cooling system. Exploded diagrams missing manufacture part call outs and many part numbers. I have found the same for the 2008 Prius. How is anyone suppose to actually make use of these instructions? If I haven't watched how-to YouTube videos on removing and replacing the radiator and water pump I'd fail using these instructions. I tried to find an exploded parts diagram for the cooling system with a list of all the pipes and tubing with part numbers etc and could not find one... Since I'm finding the same lacking information on the 2008 Prius I'm beginning to believe all the vehicles on this site have the same issue? Now I'm going to head for a book store and/or parts store and look up the same information in the various service manuals out there. If I find what I'm looking for I'll have to try and get a refund from AllDataDIY...
$15 for two-day access at plus a bit of time to download the actual, correct manuals for your future reference turns out to be a pretty sweet deal too. -Chap